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There are 13 seven-letter words containing F, U and V

FAUVISMfauvism n. An artistic movement of the last part of the 19th century which emphasized spontaneity and the use of…
FAUVISM n. (French) a school of art noted for bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.
FAUVISTfauvist adj. Of or pertaining to fauvism.
fauvist n. An artist who used this style.
FAUVIST n. a member of a group of expressionist painters, also FAUVE.
FAVOURSfavours n. Plural of favour.
favours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of favour.
FAVOUR v. to regard with goodwill, also FAVOR.
FAVUSESFAVUS n. (Latin) a fungal skin disease, chiefly of the scalp.
FERVOURfervour n. An intense, heated emotion; passion, ardour.
fervour n. A passionate enthusiasm for some cause.
fervour n. Heat.
FLAVOURflavour n. British form standard spelling of flavor.
flavour v. British form standard spelling of flavor.
FLAVOUR v. to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOR.
FLUVIALfluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream.
FLUVIAL adj. of or relating to a river or stream.
FLUXIVEfluxive adj. Flowing; lacking solidity.
FLUXIVE adj. (Shakespeare) flowing with tears.
FULVOUSfulvous adj. Tawny-coloured.
FULVOUS adj. dull yellow, also FULVID.
FURTIVEfurtive adj. Of a thing: done with evasive or guilty secrecy.
furtive adj. Of a thing: that has been acquired by theft; stolen; also (generally) taken stealthily.
furtive adj. Of a person or an animal: sly, stealthy.
VASEFULvaseful n. As much as a vase will hold.
VASEFUL n. the contents of a vase.
VATFULSvatfuls n. Plural of vatful.
VATFUL n. as much as a vat can hold.
VIALFULvialful n. Enough to fill a vial.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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