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There are 17 seven-letter words containing F, H and M

CHAMFERchamfer n. An obtuse-angled relief or cut at an edge added for a finished appearance and to break sharp edges.
chamfer v. (Transitive) To cut off the edge or corner of something.
chamfer v. (Transitive) To cut a groove in something.
CHEFDOMchefdom n. Collectively, all chefs.
chefdom n. The state of being a chef.
CHEFDOM n. the status of a chef.
CHYMIFYchymify v. (Physiology) To form into chyme.
CHYMIFY v. to form into chyme.
FATHOMSfathoms n. Plural of fathom.
fathoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fathom.
FATHOM v. to ascertain the depth of.
FILMISHfilmish adj. (Informal, colloquial) Of, relating to, or characteristic of films, movies, or the film industry; cinematic.
FILMISH adj. in a style associated with films.
FLEHMENflehmen v. Alternative form of flehm.
flehmen n. (Especially in the compound "flehmen response") Flaring of the lip in mammals, associated with intensive…
Flehmen n. Nonstandard form of flehmen.
FLEMISHflemish n. (Nautical) Short for Flemish coil (“a rope that has been arranged into a neat, flat spiral coil”).
flemish v. (Transitive, nautical) Often followed by down: to arrange (a rope) into a neat, flat spiral coil.
Flemish adj. Of or relating to Flanders, either as the historical county of Flanders (the current provinces of West…
FULHAMSfulhams n. Plural of fulham.
FULHAM n. a loaded die, also FULLAM, FULLAN.
GEMFISHgemfish n. A bottom-dwelling fish of the family Gempylidae, inhabiting deep waters off southern Australia.
GEMFISH n. an American marine food fish of the Atlantic coast, aka kingfish.
HAFNIUMhafnium n. A chemical element (symbol Hf) with an atomic number of 72: a lustrous, silvery-grey tetravalent transition metal.
HAFNIUM n. a metallic element.
HAMFATShamfats n. Plural of hamfat.
HAMFAT n. an amateurish performer.
HARMFULharmful adj. Of a kind likely to be damaging; injurious.
HARMFUL adj. capable of harming.
HIMSELFhimself pron. (Reflexive) Him; the male object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject.
himself pron. (Emphatic) He; used as an intensifier, often to emphasize that the referent is the exclusive participant…
himself pron. (Ireland, otherwise archaic) The subject or non-reflexive object of a predicate; he himself.
HUMFINGhumfing v. Present participle of humf.
HUMF v. (Scots) to carry something awkward, also HUMPH.
MAYFISHmayfish n. A striped killifish (Fundulus majalis).
MAYFISH n. a common killifish of North America.
MUDFISHmudfish n. Any of many fish that frequent muddy water or burrow in mud, including…
MUDFISH n. a fish that burrows in mud, esp. a lungfish.
MUFFISHmuffish adj. (Colloquial, dated) stupid; awkward.
MUFFISH adj. stupid; awkward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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