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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing F, P and T

FORPETforpet n. (Dated, Scotland) A quarter (fourth part) used especially as a unit of mass or capacity.
FORPET n. (Scots) a measure of grain, also FORPIT.
FORPITforpit n. Alternative form of forpet.
FORPIT n. (Scots) a measure of grain, also FORPET.
OFFPUToffput n. (Archaic) A postponement; the act of putting something off for later.
off-put adj. Alternative form of put off.
OFFPUT n. (Scots) the act of putting off.
PERFETPERFET adj. (Milton) perfect.
POTFULpotful n. As much as a pot will hold.
POTFUL n. as much as a pot can hold.
PROFITprofit n. (Accounting, economics) Total income or cash flow minus expenditures. The money or other benefit a non-governmental…
profit n. (Dated, literary) Benefit, positive result obtained.
profit n. (Property law) Ellipsis of profit à prendre.
PUTOFFputoff n. An excuse made to delay or stall.
put␣off v. (Transitive) To procrastinate.
put␣off v. (Transitive) To delay (A task, event, etc.).
TEPEFYtepefy v. (Transitive) To cause to become tepid.
tepefy v. (Intransitive) To become tepid.
TEPEFY v. to make or become tepid, or moderately warm.
TIPOFFtipoff n. Alternative spelling of tip-off.
tip-off n. (Idiomatic) An obvious clue or indication.
tip-off n. (Idiomatic) A report of suspicious behaviour, especially to an authority.
TOPFULtopful adj. Full to the top or brim.
TOPFUL adj. full to the top, also TOPFULL.
TYPIFYtypify v. (Transitive) To embody, exemplify; to represent by an form, image, model, or resemblance.
typify v. (Transitive) To portray stereotypically.
typify v. (Transitive, sciences) To serve as a typical or reference specimen of.
UPLIFTuplift v. To raise something or someone to a higher physical, social, moral, intellectual, spiritual or emotional level.
uplift v. (Law, of a penalty) To aggravate; to increase.
uplift v. (Aviation, travel) To be accepted for carriage on a flight.
UPWAFTupwaft v. (Archaic, poetic, intransitive) To waft upward.
UPWAFT v. to waft upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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