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There are 8 five-letter words containing F, U and Z

FURZEfurze n. A thorny evergreen shrub, with yellow flowers, Ulex gen. et spp., of which Ulex europaeus is particularly…
Furze prop.n. A surname.
FURZE n. a spiny shrub, aka gorse or whin.
FURZYfurzy adj. Covered in furze.
furzy adj. Resembling or characteristic of furze.
FURZY adj. abounding in furze.
FUZEDfuzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fuze.
fuzed adj. Being equipped with a fuze.
FUZE v. to equip with a detonating device, also FUSE.
FUZEEfuzee n. Alternative form of fusee (flintlock musket).
fuzee n. Alternative form of fusee (conical pulley, large match, fuse for explosives, warning flare).
FUZEE n. (French) a match with a long oval head for outdoor use, also FUSEE.
FUZESfuzes n. Plural of fuze.
fuzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fuze.
FUZE v. to equip with a detonating device, also FUSE.
FUZILfuzil n. Alternative form of fusil (musket).
FUZIL n. a type of flintlock musket, also FUSIL.
FUZZYfuzzy adj. Covered with fuzz or a large number of tiny loose fibres like a carpet or many stuffed animals.
fuzzy adj. Vague or imprecise.
fuzzy adj. Not clear; unfocused.
ZURFSzurfs n. Plural of zurf.
ZURF n. (Arabic) an ornamental metal holder for a handleless coffee cup, also ZARF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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