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There are 20 words containing E, O, 2P, S, T, U and Y

HYPERTROPHOUShypertrophous adj. (Dated, medicine) Hypertrophic.
HYPERTROPHOUS adj. of an organ, abnormally enlarged.
HYPOSULPHATEhyposulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative form of hyposulfate.
HYPOSULPHATE n. a dithionate.
HYPOSULPHATEShyposulphates n. Plural of hyposulphate.
HYPOSULPHATE n. a dithionate.
HYPOSULPHITEhyposulphite n. Alternative spelling of hyposulfite.
HYPOSULPHITE n. a salt of hyposulphurous acid.
HYPOSULPHITEShyposulphites n. Plural of hyposulphite.
HYPOSULPHITE n. a salt of hyposulphurous acid.
LEPTOPHYLLOUSleptophyllous adj. (Botany) Having long, slender leaves.
LEPTOPHYLLOUS adj. having long thin leaves.
PLATYCEPHALOUSplatycephalous adj. Platycephalic.
PLATYCEPHALOUS adj. having the vault of the skull flattened, also PLATYCEPHALIC.
POLYPETALOUSpolypetalous adj. (Botany) having a corolla composed of distinct, separable petals.
POLYPETALOUS adj. separate petals.
POSTPUBERTYpostpuberty adj. After puberty.
POSTPUBERTY n. the period after puberty.
PRECIPITOUSLYprecipitously adv. In a precipitous manner.
PRECIPITOUS adv. steep, sudden.
PREPOSTEROUSLYpreposterously adv. In a preposterous manner.
PREPOSTEROUS adv. contrary to nature, reason, or common sense.
PRESUMPTUOUSLYpresumptuously adv. In a presumptuous manner; arrogantly.
PRESUMPTUOUS adv. overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy).
PTERIDOPHYTOUSPTERIDOPHYTOUS adj. of or like a pteridophyte, a fern, also PTERIDOPHYTIC.
PYROSULPHATEpyrosulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of pyrosulfate.
PYROSULPHATE n. a salt of sulphur.
PYROSULPHATESpyrosulphates n. Plural of pyrosulphate.
PYROSULPHATE n. a salt of sulphur.
SUPPLETORYsuppletory n. A source of supply.
suppletory n. A supplement.
suppletory adj. (Now chiefly law) Making up for deficiencies; supplementary.
SUPPORTIVELYsupportively adv. In a supportive way.
SUPPORTIVE adv. tending to support.
SUPPOSITIVELYsuppositively adv. In a suppositive manner.
SUPPOSITIVE adv. suppositional.
UNSUPPORTEDLYunsupportedly adv. Without support.
UNSUPPORTED adv. not supported.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 434 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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