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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, 2O, 3R, S and T

AGROFORESTERagroforester n. One who takes part in agroforestry.
AGROFORESTER n. one who practices agroforestry.
AGROFORESTRYagroforestry n. An agricultural approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops…
AGROFORESTRY n. land management involving the growing of trees in association with food crops or pastures.
ARTHROSPORESarthrospores n. Plural of arthrospore.
ARTHROSPORE n. another name for an oidium.
BIOTERRORISMbioterrorism n. Terrorism that involves biological weapons or agents.
BIOTERRORISTbioterrorist n. A terrorist employing biological weapons.
bioterrorist adj. Of or relating to a bioterrorist or bioterrorism.
CORROBORATEScorroborates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corroborate.
CORROBORATE v. to support with evidence or authority.
ECOTERRORISMecoterrorism n. Terrorism with an ecological motive, such as attacks against corporations perceived to be harming the…
eco-terrorism n. Alternative spelling of ecoterrorism.
ECOTERRORISM n. sabotage intended to hinder activities that are considered damaging to the environment.
ECOTERRORISTecoterrorist n. One who engages in ecoterrorism.
ECOTERRORIST n. one who practises ecological terrorism.
ORCHESTRATORorchestrator n. One who orchestrates.
ORCHESTRATOR n. one who orchestrates, also ORCHESTRATER.
OVERCORRECTSovercorrects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcorrect.
OVERCORRECT v. to correct to excess.
OVERTHROWERSoverthrowers n. Plural of overthrower.
OVERTHROWER n. one who overthrows.
PARATROOPERSparatroopers n. Plural of paratrooper.
PARATROOPER n. a member of the paratroops.
REDECORATORSredecorators n. Plural of redecorator.
REDECORATOR n. one who redecorates.
REMONSTRATORremonstrator n. One who remonstrates.
REMONSTRATOR n. one who remonstrates.
RETROROCKETSretrorockets n. Plural of retrorocket.
RETROROCKET n. a rocket whose function is to slow down, fired in a direction opposite to that in which a body, e.g. a spacecraft or an artificial satellite, is travelling.
RETROVERSIONretroversion n. A turning or falling back.
retroversion n. (Medicine) The state or condition of being retroverted.
RETROVERSION n. the bending backward of the uterus and cervix.
ROTOGRAVURESrotogravures n. Plural of rotogravure.
ROTOGRAVURE n. an intaglio printing process by which imagery is transferred from a copper cylinder to a web of paper, plastic or similar material in a rotary press.
VOORTREKKERSVoortrekkers n. Plural of Voortrekker.
VOORTREKKER n. (South African) one of the Dutch farmers from Cape Colony who took part in the Great Trek into the Transvaal in 1836.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 85 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 51 words

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