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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, O, P, 2R, 2S and U

PERCUSSORSpercussors n. Plural of percussor.
PERCUSSOR n. a percussion hammer.
PERSUASORYpersuasory adj. Persuasive.
PERSUASORY adj. persuasive.
PRECURSORSprecursors n. Plural of precursor.
PRECURSOR n. something that goes before, also PRECURRER.
PROSATEURSprosateurs n. Plural of prosateur.
PROSATEUR n. (French) one who writes prose for a living.
PROSPEROUSprosperous adj. Characterized by success.
prosperous adj. Well off; affluent.
prosperous adj. Favorable.
PROVIRUSESproviruses n. Plural of provirus.
PROVIRUS n. the form of a virus when it is integrated into the DNA of the host cell.
PTEROSAURSpterosaurs n. Plural of pterosaur.
PTEROSAUR n. a pterodactyl, also PTEROSAURIAN.
REPOUSSOIRrepoussoir n. (Art) The use of an object such as a curtain extremely close up to the picture plane in a painting…
REPOUSSOIR n. (French) a figure or object in the foreground of a painted etc. composition intended to draw the viewer's eye in.
REPURPOSESrepurposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repurpose.
REPURPOSE v. to purpose anew.
SEROGROUPSserogroups n. Plural of serogroup.
SEROGROUP n. any group of bacteria or other microorganisms that have a certain antigen in common.
STREPEROUSstreperous adj. (Archaic) loud; boisterous.
STREPEROUS adj. loud; boisterous.
SUPERCROSSsupercross n. A sport in which high-performance off-road motorcycles are raced on an artificially made dirt track…
SUPERPORTSsuperports n. Plural of superport.
SUPERPORT n. a superior port.
SUPERROADSsuperroads n. Plural of superroad.
SUPERROAD n. a superior road.
SUPERSTOREsuperstore n. An extremely large store; a hypermarket.
SUPERSTORE n. a very large store often offering a wide variety of merchandise for sale.
SUPERSTORMsuperstorm n. A major storm (weather phenomenon).
SUPERSTORM n. an extremely powerful storm that causes widespread devastation.
SUPERVISORsupervisor n. (Management) A person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group, or of other…
supervisor n. A person who monitors someone to make sure they comply with rules or other requirements set for them.
supervisor n. (US) In certain states, an elected member of the governing body for a county which is called the board of supervisors.
SUPPORTERSsupporters n. Plural of supporter.
SUPPORTER n. a figure in heraldry depicted as holding up a shield.
SUPPRESSORsuppressor n. A device which suppresses something, especially an electronic or mechanical device.
suppressor n. A person who suppresses others, a tyrant.
suppressor n. (Genetics) A gene that suppresses the effect of another through epistasis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 21 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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