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There are 20 words containing E, N, P, R, 2S, T and X

EXASPERATIONSexasperations n. Plural of exasperation.
EXASPERATION n. the state of being exasperated.
EXPERIMENTISTSexperimentists n. Plural of experimentist.
EXPERIMENTIST n. a person who carries out experiments.
EXPERTNESSexpertness n. The state of being expert.
expertness n. Skill or proficiency.
EXPERTNESS n. a possession of specific skills, also EXPERTISM.
EXPERTNESSESexpertnesses n. Plural of expertness.
EXPERTNESS n. a possession of specific skills, also EXPERTISM.
EXPLORATIONISTSexplorationists n. Plural of explorationist.
EXPLORATIONIST n. a scientist engaged in mineral exploration.
EXPRESSIONISTexpressionist adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the style of expressionism.
expressionist n. A painter who paints in this style.
EXPRESSIONIST n. an exponent of expressionism.
EXPRESSIONISTICexpressionistic adj. Expressionist.
EXPRESSIONISTIC adj. relating to expressionism.
EXPRESSIONISTSexpressionists n. Plural of expressionist.
EXPRESSIONIST n. an exponent of expressionism.
EXTEMPORARINESSextemporariness n. The quality of being extemporary.
EXTEMPORARINESS n. the state of being extemporary.
EXTERNSHIPSexternships n. Plural of externship.
EXTERNSHIP n. the position of an extern.
EXTRAPOSITIONSextrapositions n. Plural of extraposition.
EXTRAPOSITION n. the act of extraposing.
HYPEREXTENSIONShyperextensions n. Plural of hyperextension.
HYPEREXTENSION n. the extension of a joint beyond its normal range.
INEXPERTNESSinexpertness n. Lack of expertise or skill.
INEXPERTNESS n. a lack of specific skills.
INEXPERTNESSESinexpertnesses n. Plural of inexpertness.
INEXPERTNESS n. a lack of specific skills.
MORPHOSYNTAXESmorphosyntaxes n. Plural of morphosyntax.
MORPHOSYNTAX n. the study of the interaction of morphology and syntax.
PREEXISTENCESpreexistences n. Plural of preexistence.
preëxistences n. Plural of preëxistence.
PREEXISTENCE n. existence in a former state or previous to something else.
PROXIMATENESSproximateness n. Quality of being proximate.
PROXIMATENESS n. the state of being proximate.
PROXIMATENESSESPROXIMATENESS n. the state of being proximate.
XENOTRANSPLANTSxenotransplants n. Plural of xenotransplant.
XENOTRANSPLANT n. an operation in which an organ or tissue is transferred from one animal to another of a different species.
XIPHISTERNUMSxiphisternums n. Plural of xiphisternum.
XIPHISTERNUM n. the posterior and smallest of the three divisions of the sternum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: 81 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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