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There are 18 words containing E, 2N, O, P and 3T

COUNTERPETITIONcounterpetition n. An opposing petition set up in response to another petition.
counterpetition v. To petition in opposition to another petition.
COUNTERPETITION n. an opposing petition.
COUNTERPLOTTINGcounterplotting v. Present participle of counterplot.
COUNTERPLOT v. to intrigue against.
INTERPRETATIONinterpretation n. (Countable) An act of interpreting or explaining something unclear; a translation; a version.
interpretation n. (Countable) A sense given by an interpreter; an exposition or explanation given; meaning.
interpretation n. (Uncountable, linguistics, translation studies) The discipline or study of translating one spoken or…
INTERPRETATIONSinterpretations n. Plural of interpretation.
INTERPRETATION n. the act or the result of interpreting.
PANTOTHENATEpantothenate n. (Chemistry) Any salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PANTOTHENATE n. a salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PANTOTHENATESpantothenates n. Plural of pantothenate.
PANTOTHENATE n. a salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PARTITIONMENTpartitionment n. The act of partitioning.
PARTITIONMENT n. the act of partitioning.
PARTITIONMENTSpartitionments n. Plural of partitionment.
PARTITIONMENT n. the act of partitioning.
PHYTONUTRIENTphytonutrient n. Any substance, of plant origin, that provides nutrition; a phytochemical.
PHYTONUTRIENTSphytonutrients n. Plural of phytonutrient.
POTENTIATINGpotentiating v. Present participle of potentiate.
POTENTIATE v. to use drugs in combination to increase their power.
POTENTIATIONpotentiation n. The action of a substance, at a dose that does not itself have an adverse action, in enhancing the effect…
POTENTIATION n. the act of potentiating.
POTENTIATIONSpotentiations n. Plural of potentiation.
POTENTIATION n. the act of potentiating.
PRESENTATIONISTPRESENTATIONIST n. an adherent of presentationism.
TEENSPLOITATIONteensploitation n. (Film) A genre of exploitation films, starring teenage actors with teen-oriented plots involving drugs…
UNPROTESTANTISEunprotestantise v. (Transitive) To cause to change from Protestantism to some other form of religion.
UNPROTESTANTISE v. to convert from Protestantism, also UNPROTESTANTIZE.
UNPROTESTANTIZEunprotestantize v. Alternative spelling of unprotestantise.
UNPROTESTANTIZE v. to convert from Protestantism, also UNPROTESTANTISE.
VENTRIPOTENTventripotent adj. Having a big belly.
ventripotent adj. Gluttonous.
VENTRIPOTENT adj. taking a greedy delight in eating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 805 words
  • Scrabble in French: 105 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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