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There are 16 words containing E, 3N, O, P, S and U

INOPPORTUNENESSinopportuneness n. The quality of being inopportune.
INOPPORTUNE n. inconvenient, unseasonable.
INTERPUNCTIONSinterpunctions n. Plural of interpunction.
INTERPUNCTION n. the insertion of punctuation marks in writing.
NONCONSUMPTIVEnonconsumptive adj. That does not consume a resource.
nonconsumptive adj. That is not consumed (eaten).
nonconsumptive adj. Not suffering from consumption, or tuberculosis.
NONENCAPSULATEDnonencapsulated adj. Not encapsulated.
NONENCAPSULATED adj. not encapsulated.
PREANNOUNCESpreannounces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preannounce.
pre-announces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pre-announce.
PREANNOUNCE v. to announce beforehand.
PRONOUNCEMENTSpronouncements n. Plural of pronouncement.
PRONOUNCEMENT n. a statement.
PRONUNCIAMENTOSpronunciamentos n. Plural of pronunciamento.
PRONUNCIAMENTO n. an official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.
SPONTANEOUSNESSspontaneousness n. The state or condition of being spontaneous; spontaneity.
SPONTANEOUSNESS n. the state of being spontaneous.
SUPERANNUATIONsuperannuation n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A retirement benefit fund, an accumulation of regular deductions from one′s…
superannuation n. (Uncountable) The condition or of being superannuated; old age or obsolescence.
SUPERANNUATION n. the act of superannuating.
SUPERANNUATIONSsuperannuations n. Plural of superannuation.
SUPERANNUATION n. the act of superannuating.
SUPERCONTINENTsupercontinent n. (Geology) A very large continent that split into smaller ones in the Earth’s geologic past.
supercontinent n. A modern landmass composed of multiple continents, i.e. Afro-Eurasia or the Americas.
SUPERCONTINENT n. a hypothetical former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away.
SUPERCONTINENTSsupercontinents n. Plural of supercontinent.
SUPERCONTINENT n. a hypothetical former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away.
SUPERCONVENIENTsuperconvenient adj. (Rare, informal) Very convenient.
SUPERCONVENIENT adj. extremely convenient.
SUPERPHENOMENONsuperphenomenon n. A phenomenon that exceeds normal phenomenal qualities, standards, etc.
SUPERPHENOMENON n. an exceptional phenomenon.
UNPENSIONEDunpensioned adj. Not given a pension.
UNPENSIONED adj. without a pension.
UNPERSONINGunpersoning v. Present participle of unperson.
UNPERSON v. to make someone into an unperson.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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