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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing E, N, 3O, 2R and S

CHROMOPROTEINSchromoproteins n. Plural of chromoprotein.
CHROMOPROTEIN n. any of various proteins (as hemoglobins, carotenoids, or flavoproteins) having a pigment as a prosthetic group.
CONGLOMERATORSconglomerators n. Plural of conglomerator.
CONGLOMERATOR n. one who conglomerates.
CORTICOSTERONEcorticosterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids) A corticosteroid hormone, produced in the adrenal glands, involved in metabolism.
CORTICOSTERONE n. a colorless crystalline corticosteroid important in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
HETEROCHRONOUSheterochronous adj. (Paleontology) formed at different periods.
HETEROCHRONOUS adj. divergent from the normal time sequence.
HYDROCORTISONEhydrocortisone n. (Biochemistry, steroids, pharmacology) A glucocorticoid steroid hormone C21H30O5 produced by the adrenal…
HYDROCORTISONE n. a glucocorticoid hormone that is used to treat inflammatory and allergic conditions, aka cortisol.
ISOPROTERENOLSisoproterenols n. Plural of isoproterenol.
ISOPROTERENOL n. a sympathomimetic agent used in the treatment of asthma.
NONCOOPERATORSnoncooperators n. Plural of noncooperator.
NONCOOPERATOR n. one who does not cooperate.
OROROTUNDITIESOROROTUNDITY n. the orotund mode of intonation, also OROTUNDITY.
ORTHOHYDROGENSorthohydrogens n. Plural of orthohydrogen.
ORTHOHYDROGEN n. the form of molecular hydrogen, constituting about 75 per cent of the total at normal temperatures, in which the nuclei of the atoms spin in the same direction.
ORTHOPYROXENESorthopyroxenes n. Plural of orthopyroxene.
ORTHOPYROXENE n. a member of the pyroxene group of minerals having an orthorhombic crystal structure, such as enstatite and hypersthene.
PROPAROXYTONESproparoxytones n. Plural of proparoxytone.
PROPAROXYTONE n. in ancient Greek, a word having the acute accent on the third last syllable.
PROPORTIONATESproportionates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proportionate.
PROPORTIONATE v. to make proportionate.
PROPORTIONLESSproportionless adj. Without proportion; unsymmetrical.
PROPORTIONLESS adj. without proportion.
PROTHONOTARIESprothonotaries n. Plural of prothonotary.
PROTHONOTARY n. a court clerk; a chief clerk of any of various courts of law, also PROTONOTARY.
SEROCONVERSIONseroconversion n. (Immunology) The development of specific antibodies in the blood serum as a result of infection or immunization.
SEROCONVERSION n. the production of antibodies in response to an antigen.
SHOWERPROOFINGshowerproofing v. Present participle of showerproof.
SHOWERPROOFING n. the act of making proof against showers.
SPORANGIOPHOREsporangiophore n. (Botany) A receptacle in ferns which bears the sporangia, usually a stalk, but sometimes a scale (as in horsetails).
sporangiophore n. (Mycology) A special type of hypha that bears sporangia on the tip.
SPORANGIOPHORE n. a stalk to which sporangia are attached.
SPORANGIOSPOREsporangiospore n. A spore produced by a sporangium (in many fungi, such as zygomycetes).
SPORANGIOSPORE n. a spore developed in a sporangium.
TROPHONEUROSEStrophoneuroses n. Plural of trophoneurosis.
TROPHONEUROSIS n. a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.
TROPHONEUROSIStrophoneurosis n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of trophesy.
TROPHONEUROSIS n. a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 192 words
  • Scrabble in French: 102 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 127 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 175 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 79 words

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