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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, N, P, R, S, T and 2U

ACUPUNCTURESacupunctures n. Plural of acupuncture.
acupunctures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURE n. the complementary therapy of puncturing the skin with needles at specified points in order to cure illness.
COUNTERCOUPScountercoups n. Plural of countercoup.
COUNTERCOUP n. a coup in return.
INSCULPTUREDinsculptured adj. (Archaic) engraved.
INSCULPTURE v. to carve on something.
INSCULPTURESinsculptures n. Plural of insculpture.
INSCULPTURE v. to carve on something.
JURISPRUDENTjurisprudent adj. Understanding law; skilled in jurisprudence.
jurisprudent n. One skilled in law or jurisprudence.
JURISPRUDENT n. a person who is knowledgeable in jurisprudence.
NEUROPTEROUSneuropterous adj. Dated form of neuropteral.
NEUROPTEROUS adj. pertaining or belonging to insect order including lacewing flies.
PERCUTANEOUSpercutaneous adj. Taking place through the skin and involving a puncture thereof.
PERCUTANEOUS adj. done or applied through the skin.
REPUNCTUATESrepunctuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repunctuate.
SEROPURULENTseropurulent adj. That consists of both serum and pus.
SEROPURULENT adj. serum and pus.
SULPHURETINGsulphureting v. Present participle of sulphuret.
SULPHURET v. to treat with sulfur, also SULFURET.
SUPERANNUATEsuperannuate v. (Transitive) To retire or put out of use due to age.
superannuate v. (Transitive) To show to be obsolete due to age.
superannuate v. (Intransitive) To retire due to age.
SUPERCONDUCTsuperconduct v. To exhibit superconductivity.
SUPERCONDUCT v. to exhibit superconductivity.
SUPERCURRENTsupercurrent n. (Physics) The current flowing through a superconductor.
SUPERCURRENT n. a current of electricity flowing in a superconductor.
SUPERNATURALsupernatural adj. Above nature; beyond or added to nature, often so considered because it is given by a deity or some…
supernatural adj. Not of the usual; not natural; altered by forces that are not understood fully if at all.
supernatural n. (Countable) A supernatural being.
SUPERNATURESsupernatures n. Plural of supernature.
SUPERNATURE n. the realm of the supernatural.
UNPERSECUTEDunpersecuted adj. Not persecuted.
UNPERSECUTED adj. not persecuted.
UNSCULPTUREDunsculptured adj. Not sculptured.
UNSCULPTURED adj. not sculptured.
UNSUPPORTIVEunsupportive adj. Not supportive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 33 words

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