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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, N, O, R, 2S and 2T

ASSENTATORassentator n. An obsequious flatterer.
ASSENTATOR n. a flatterer; one assenting insincerely or conniving.
ASSORTMENTassortment n. A collection of varying but related items.
ASSORTMENT n. the act of assorting.
CONTESTERScontesters n. Plural of contester.
CONTESTER n. one who contests.
CORNETISTScornetists n. Plural of cornetist.
CORNETIST n. one who plays the cornet, also CORNETTIST.
GRITSTONESgritstones n. Plural of gritstone.
GRITSTONE n. a type of coarse sandstone.
GROTTINESSgrottiness n. The quality of being grotty.
GROTTINESS n. the state of being grotty.
NEOTERISTSneoterists n. Plural of neoterist.
NEOTERIST n. one who introduces new words or phrases.
NORTHEASTSnortheasts n. Plural of northeast.
north-easts n. Plural of north-east.
NORTHEAST n. the direction between north and east.
NORTHWESTSnorthwests n. Plural of northwest.
north-wests n. Plural of north-west.
NORTHWEST n. the region between north and west.
OBSTRUENTSobstruents n. Plural of obstruent.
OBSTRUENT n. a sound characterized by obstruction of the airstream, a plosive, fricative, or affricate.
RESTATIONSrestations v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restation.
RESTATION v. to station again.
ROSETTINGSROSETTING n. the development of abnormal leaves as a symptom of disease.
ROTTENNESSrottenness n. The quality of being rotten.
ROTTENNESS n. the state of being rotten.
SNOTTERIESsnotteries n. Plural of snottery.
SNOTTERY n. filthiness.
STARSTONESstarstones n. Plural of starstone.
STARSTONE n. asteriated sapphire.
STATIONERSstationers n. Plural of stationer.
stationer's n. A shop that sells stationery.
stationers' n. Plural of stationer’s.
STERNPORTSsternports n. Plural of sternport.
STERNPORT n. a port or opening in the stern of a ship.
STERNPOSTSsternposts n. Plural of sternpost.
STERNPOST n. the main member at the stern of a ship extending from keel to deck.
STONEWORTSstoneworts n. Plural of stonewort.
STONEWORT n. any plant of the Characeae (from the limy crust); stone parsley.
TURNSTONESturnstones n. Plural of turnstone.
TURNSTONE n. any of various species of limicoline birds, allied to the plovers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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