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There are 19 words containing E, M, R, S, 2T, U and V

MULTIVERSITYmultiversity n. A kind of modern, large-scale university, open to all, proposed by Clark Kerr in the 1960s.
MULTIVERSITY n. a major university.
TRANSUMPTIVEtransumptive adj. Metaphorical.
transumptive adj. Transferred from one to another.
TRANSUMPTIVE adj. transferred; metaphorical.
TRIUMVIRATEStriumvirates n. Plural of triumvirate.
TRIUMVIRATE n. a body of triumvirs.
CENTUMVIRATEScentumvirates n. Plural of centumvirate.
CENTUMVIRATE n. a body of a hundred men.
DESTRUCTIVISMdestructivism n. An art movement that involves destroying objects in front of spectators.
DESTRUCTIVISM n. the theory that a part of a whole may be considered a principle part if the destruction of that part would lead to the destruction of the whole.
OVERSTIMULATEoverstimulate v. (Transitive) To stimulate to an excessive degree; to expose to excessive stimulation.
OVERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively.
TRANSMUTATIVEtransmutative adj. Causing or involving transmutation; transformative.
TRANSMUTATIVE adj. having power to transmute.
DESTRUCTIVISMSDESTRUCTIVISM n. the theory that a part of a whole may be considered a principle part if the destruction of that part would lead to the destruction of the whole.
MULTIVERSITIESmultiversities n. Plural of multiversity.
MULTIVERSITY n. a major university.
OVERADJUSTMENToveradjustment n. Excessive adjustment.
OVERADJUSTMENT n. an excessive adjustment.
OVERSTIMULATEDoverstimulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstimulate.
overstimulated adj. Excessively stimulated.
OVERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively.
OVERSTIMULATESoverstimulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overstimulate.
OVERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively.
OVERADJUSTMENTSoveradjustments n. Plural of overadjustment.
OVERADJUSTMENT n. an excessive adjustment.
OVERSTIMULATINGoverstimulating v. Present participle of overstimulate.
OVERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively.
OVERSTIMULATIONoverstimulation n. Excessive stimulation.
OVERSTIMULATION n. excessive stimulation.
UNDEMONSTRATIVEundemonstrative adj. Not given to showing emotion or feelings; reserved or distant.
UNDEMONSTRATIVE adj. restrained in expression of feeling.
UNDERINVESTMENTunderinvestment n. An insufficient investment.
UNDERINVESTMENT n. an insufficient amount of investment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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