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There are 14 words containing E, 2M, N, R, 2T and Y

ANTISYMMETRICantisymmetric adj. (Set theory, order theory, of a binary relation R on a set S) Having the property that, for any two…
antisymmetric adj. (Linear algebra, of certain mathematical objects) Whose sign changes on the application of a matrix…
ANTISYMMETRIC adj. relating to or being a relation (as is a subset of) that implies equality of any two quantities for which it holds in both directions.
CENTROSYMMETRICcentrosymmetric adj. (Mathematics) Having a centre of symmetry.
CENTROSYMMETRIC adj. symmetric with respect to a central point.
COMPARTMENTALLYcompartmentally adv. One compartment at a time.
COMPARTMENTAL adv. relating to compartments.
COMPLEMENTARITYcomplementarity n. The state or characteristic of being complementary.
complementarity n. (Linguistics, philosophy, semantics) A semantic relationship between two words wherein negative use…
COMPLEMENTARITY n. the state of being complementary.
INTERCOMMUNITYintercommunity adj. Between communities.
intercommunity n. Intercommunication; reciprocal intercourse.
INTERCOMMUNITY adj. between communities.
MAGNETOMETRYmagnetometry n. (Physics) The measurement of magnetic fields (strength and direction etc).
MAGNETOMETRY n. measurement by magnetometer.
PNEUMATOMETRYpneumatometry n. Spirometry.
PNEUMATOMETRY n. the measurement of the pressure exerted by air being inhaled or exhaled during a single breath.
SYMMETRISATIONsymmetrisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of symmetrization.
SYMMETRISATION n. the act of symmetrising, also SYMMETRIZATION.
SYMMETRISATIONSsymmetrisations n. Plural of symmetrisation.
SYMMETRISATION n. the act of symmetrising, also SYMMETRIZATION.
SYMMETRIZATIONsymmetrization n. The act of making symmetric.
SYMMETRIZATION n. the act of symmetrizing, also SYMMETRISATION.
SYMMETRIZATIONSsymmetrizations n. Plural of symmetrization.
SYMMETRIZATION n. the act of symmetrizing, also SYMMETRISATION.
TEMPERAMENTALLYtemperamentally adv. In a temperamental manner.
temperamentally adv. (Not comparable) By one’s temperament.
TEMPERAMENTAL adv. relating to temperament.
TRIMETHYLAMINEtrimethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The tertiary amine (CH3)3N; a colourless gas with a fishy smell that is a product…
TRIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas obtainable from herring-brine, corresponding to ammonia with methyl replacing all the hydrogen.
TRIMETHYLAMINEStrimethylamines n. Plural of trimethylamine.
TRIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas obtainable from herring-brine, corresponding to ammonia with methyl replacing all the hydrogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 424 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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