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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing E, M, 2N, 2O and 2R

FOREORDAINMENTSforeordainments n. Plural of foreordainment.
FOREORDAINMENT n. the state of being foreordained.
INTERCOMPARISONintercomparison n. A comparison made between diverse elements.
INTERCOMPARISON n. a comparison between two things.
MICROGENERATIONmicrogeneration n. (Uncountable) The generation of zero-carbon or low-carbon heat and power by individuals, small businesses…
microgeneration n. (Countable, demography) A demographic or cohort similar to a generation but covering a shorter timespan.
micro-generation n. Alternative spelling of microgeneration.
MOUNTAINBOARDERmountainboarder n. One who takes part in the sport of mountainboarding.
MOUNTAINBOARDER n. one who uses a mountainboard.
NONCONTEMPORARYnoncontemporary adj. Not contemporary.
noncontemporary n. A person who is not the contemporary of another; one who lives in a different time period.
NONCONTEMPORARY adj. not contemporary.
NONPERFORMANCESnonperformances n. Plural of nonperformance.
NONPERFORMANCE n. something that is not a performance.
NORTHCOUNTRYMENnorth␣countrymen n. Plural of north countryman.
NORTHCOUNTRYMAN n. one living in the north.
OVERNOURISHMENTovernourishment n. Excessive nourishment.
OVERORNAMENTINGoverornamenting v. Present participle of overornament.
OVERORNAMENT v. to ornament excessively.
PROPERISPOMENONproperispomenon adj. (Linguistics, of a word) In Greek grammar, having a circumflex accent on the penultimate syllable.
properispomenon n. (Linguistics) A word having such an accent.
PROPERISPOMENON n. a word with the circumflex accent on the penultimate syllable.
PROPORTIONMENTSproportionments n. Plural of proportionment.
PROPORTIONMENT n. the act of proportioning.
REAPPORTIONMENTreapportionment n. The act of reapportioning; a second or subsequent apportionment.
reapportionment n. (US, politics) Reassignment of representation in a legislature, especially of U.S. House of Representative…
REAPPORTIONMENT n. the act of reapportioning.
RECONFIRMATIONSreconfirmations n. Plural of reconfirmation.
RECONFIRMATION n. the act of reconfirming.
RENORMALISATIONrenormalisation n. Alternative spelling of renormalization.
RENORMALISATION n. the process of renormalising, also RENORMALIZATION.
RENORMALIZATIONrenormalization n. (Physics) Any of several techniques in statistical mechanics and quantum electrodynamics used to construct…
RENORMALIZATION n. the process of renormalizing, also RENORMALISATION.
RUMORMONGERINGSRUMORMONGERING n. the spreading of rumours.
WONDERMONGERINGWONDERMONGERING n. the promising of miracles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 139 words
  • Scrabble in French: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 80 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 203 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 57 words

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