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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing E, M, N, 3O, P and S

DECOMPOSITIONdecomposition n. A biological process through which organic material is reduced to e.g. compost.
decomposition n. The act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis.
decomposition n. The splitting (of e.g. a matrix, an atom, or a compound) into constituent parts.
ENTOMOPHAGOUSentomophagous adj. Feeding on insects; insectivorous.
ENTOMOPHAGOUS adj. eating insects.
ENTOMOPHILOUSentomophilous adj. Of, pertaining to, or pollinated by means of entomophily.
ENTOMOPHILOUS adj. of flowers, pollinated by insects.
LEONTOPODIUMSLEONTOPODIUM n. any plant of the Eurasian alpine genus Leontopodium, that includes edelweiss.
MONOPHOSPHATEmonophosphate n. (Chemistry) any compound containing a single phosphate unit.
MONOPHOSPHATE n. an ester of phosphoric acid.
NANOCOMPOSITEnanocomposite n. Any composite material one or more of whose components is some form of nanoparticle; more often consists…
ONOMATOPOEIASonomatopoeias n. Plural of onomatopoeia.
onomatopœias n. Plural of onomatopœia.
ONOMATOPOEIA n. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it, also ONOMATOPOESIS, ONOMATOPOIESIS.
ONOMATOPOESISonomatopoesis n. Onomatopoeia.
PHOTOEMISSIONphotoemission n. (Physics) the ejection of electrons from the surface of a solid by incident electromagnetic radiation.
PHOTOEMISSION n. the release of electrons from a usually solid material (as a metal) by means of energy supplied by incidence of radiation and esp. light.
PHOTOMONTAGESphotomontages n. Plural of photomontage.
PHOTOMONTAGE n. montage using photographic images.
PHYTOHORMONESphytohormones n. Plural of phytohormone.
PHYTOHORMONE n. a plant hormone, regulating growth.
PROLEGOMENOUSprolegomenous adj. (Literary) Introductory; functioning as a preface or prolegomenon.
PROLEGOMENOUS adj. of the nature of a prolegomenon, introduction, also PROLEGOMENAL, PROLEGOMENARY.
PULMONOLOGIESPULMONOLOGY n. the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the lungs.
RECOMPOSITIONrecomposition n. Composition again or anew; the process or result of recomposing.
RECOMPOSITION n. the act of recomposing.
SOMATOTROPINEsomatotropine n. Alternative spelling of somatotropin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 57 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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