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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing E, M, N, O, 2S, T and U

COENOSTEUMSCOENOSTEUM n. the calcareous skeleton of a coral colony.
CONSUMERISTconsumerist adj. Of or pertaining to consumerism; consumeristic.
consumerist n. A proponent of consumerism.
CONSUMERIST n. an adherent of consumerism.
CONSUMMATESconsummates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of consummate.
CONSUMMATE v. to finish, complete.
ENSOULMENTSensoulments n. Plural of ensoulment.
ENSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also INSOULMENT.
EUDEMONISTSeudemonists n. Plural of eudemonist.
EUDEMONIST n. a student of eudemonics, the art or theory of happiness, also EUDAEMONIST.
INSOULMENTSINSOULMENT n. the act of animating with a soul, also ENSOULMENT.
MISCONSTRUEmisconstrue v. (Transitive) To interpret erroneously, to understand incorrectly; to misunderstand.
MISCONSTRUE v. to construe wrongly, also MISCONSTER.
MISFORTUNESmisfortunes n. Plural of misfortune.
MISFORTUNE n. an event or conjunction of events that causes an unfortunate or distressing result.
MUSQUETOONSmusquetoons n. Plural of musquetoon.
MUSQUETOON n. a short musket; a soldier armed with one, also MUSKETOON.
OSTENSORIUMostensorium n. An ostensory, or monstrance.
OSTENSORIUM n. a monstrance (a receptacle for the Eucharist).
POSTSCENIUMpostscenium n. The part of a theater behind the scenes; the backstage area.
POSTSCENIUM n. the part of the stage behind the scenery.
PROSTERNUMSPROSTERNUM n. the sternum of the prothorax of insects.
RESUMPTIONSresumptions n. Plural of resumption.
RESUMPTION n. an act or instance of resuming.
SEDIMENTOUSsedimentous adj. Of or relating to sediment.
SEDIMENTOUS adj. of or like sediment.
SNAKEMOUTHSsnakemouths n. Plural of snakemouth.
SNAKEMOUTH n. a North American orchid.
SOUTHERNISMsouthernism n. Anything characteristic of the southern part of a region, especially the southern United States.
southernism n. A word or phrase (a dialectism) from Southern American English.
SOUTHERNISM n. a southern expression.
STRAMINEOUSstramineous adj. Pertaining to or made of straw; having little value, insubstantial.
stramineous adj. (Botany) Straw-coloured.
STRAMINEOUS adj. strawy; light; worthless; straw-coloured.
SURMOUNTERSsurmounters n. Plural of surmounter.
SURMOUNTER n. one who, or that which, surmounts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 61 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 74 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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