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There are 19 words containing E, L, N, 2R, 2T and V

ANTIRETROVIRALantiretroviral adj. (Pharmacology) That combats infection by retroviruses.
antiretroviral n. (Medicine, pharmacology) An agent that combats retroviruses.
ANTIRETROVIRAL adj. inhibiting the process by which a retrovirus replicates.
ANTIRETROVIRALSantiretrovirals n. Plural of antiretroviral.
ANTIRETROVIRAL n. any retroviral drug used to treat diseases caused by retroviruses, such as HIV.
CONTROVERTIBLEcontrovertible adj. Open to questioning; that which can be denied, challenged, or disputed.
CONTROVERTIBLE adj. open to question, disputable.
CONTROVERTIBLYcontrovertibly adv. In a controvertible manner.
CONTROVERTIBLE adv. open to question, disputable.
DORSIVENTRALITYdorsiventrality n. The quality of being dorsiventral.
DORSIVENTRALITY n. the state of being dorsiventral.
DORSOVENTRALITYdorsoventrality n. Alternative form of dorsiventrality.
DORSOVENTRALITY n. the state of being dorsoventral.
INTERPRETIVELYinterpretively adv. In an interpretive way.
INTERPRETIVE adv. relating to interpretation, also INTERPRETATIVE.
INTERROGATIVELYinterrogatively adv. In an interrogative manner; by means of a question.
INTERROGATIVE adv. related to the asking of questions.
INTERRUPTIVELYinterruptively adv. In an interruptive manner.
INTERRUPTIVE adv. serving to interrupt.
INTERVALOMETERintervalometer n. A device that measures intervals of time.
INTERVALOMETER n. a device that operates a control (as for a camera shutter) at regular intervals.
INTERVALOMETERSintervalometers n. Plural of intervalometer.
INTERVALOMETER n. a device that operates a control (as for a camera shutter) at regular intervals.
INTERVERTEBRALintervertebral adj. Between the vertebrae.
INTERVERTEBRAL adj. between vertebrae.
REMONSTRATIVELYremonstratively adv. In a manner characterized by remonstration.
REMONSTRATIVE adv. expressing remonstration.
TELECONVERTERteleconverter n. (Photography) A secondary lens mounted between the camera and a photographic lens so as to enlarge the…
TELECONVERTER n. a supplementary lens system for converting a camera lens to a greater focal length.
TELECONVERTERSteleconverters n. Plural of teleconverter.
TELECONVERTER n. a supplementary lens system for converting a camera lens to a greater focal length.
TRANSCRIPTIVELYtranscriptively adv. In terms of transcription.
TRANSCRIPTIVE adv. relating to transcription.
TRANSVERSALITYtransversality n. (Mathematics) A property of two intersecting submanifolds, where at every intersection point, their…
transversality n. The quality of connecting or representing a range of heterogeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
TRANSVERSALITY n. the state of being transversal.
VENTROLATERALventrolateral adj. (Anatomy) Both ventral and lateral.
VENTROLATERAL adj. ventral and lateral.
VITREORETINALvitreoretinal adj. Of or pertaining to the vitreous humour and the retina.
VITREORETINAL adj. as in vitreoretinal traction, friction on the internal limiting membrane of the retina of the eye by adherent vitreous fibrils in vitreous humour detachment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 559 words
  • Scrabble in French: 68 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 38 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 189 words

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