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There are 15 words containing E, L, 2M, R, S, U and Y

COMMENSURABLYcommensurably adv. In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
COMMENSURABLE adv. measurable by the same standard; proportionate.
COMMENSURATELYcommensurately adv. In a commensurate manner; so as to be equal or proportionate.
commensurately adv. With equal measure or extent.
COMMENSURATE adv. corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree, proportionate.
CUMBERSOMELYcumbersomely adv. In a cumbersome way.
CUMBERSOME adv. burdensome.
GEMMIPAROUSLYgemmiparously adv. In a gemmiparous manner.
GEMMIPAROUS adv. reproducing by gemmae.
IMMEASURABILITYimmeasurability n. Synonym of immeasurableness.
IMMEASURABILITY n. the quality of being immeasurable.
IMMEASURABLYimmeasurably adv. In a manner that is not measurable, in a way that can not be measured.
IMMEASURABLE adv. incapable of being measured.
IMMENSURABILITYimmensurability n. The quality of being immensurable.
IMMENSURABILITY n. the quality of being immensurable.
INCOMMENSURABLYincommensurably adv. In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
INCOMMENSURABLE adv. not commensurable, lacking a basis of comparison in respect to a quality normally subject to comparison.
MEMBRANOUSLYmembranously adv. In a membranous manner.
METHYLMERCURIESmethylmercuries n. Plural of methylmercury.
methyl␣mercuries n. Plural of methyl mercury.
METHYLMERCURY n. any of several extremely toxic organometallic compounds formed from metallic mercury by the action of microorganisms.
MULTIEMPLOYERSmultiemployers n. Plural of multiemployer.
MULTIEMPLOYER n. one who employs many workers.
MYRMECOPHILOUSmyrmecophilous adj. (Biology) Adapted to thrive in the presence of ants.
MYRMECOPHILOUS adj. ant-loving, of plants inhabited by ants and offering specialised shelters and food for them.
SUMMERLYsummerly adj. Characteristic of summer; summer-like; warm and sunny.
SUMMERLY adj. of or like summer, also SUMMERY.
UNSYMMETRICALunsymmetrical adj. Not symmetrical.
UNSYMMETRICAL adj. not symmetrical.
UNSYMMETRICALLYunsymmetrically adv. In an unsymmetrical way.
UNSYMMETRICAL adv. not symmetrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 207 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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