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There are 20 words containing E, 2L, 2S, 2T and Y

BOTTOMLESSLYbottomlessly adv. In a bottomless manner.
BOTTOMLESS adv. having no bottom.
CRYSTALLINITIEScrystallinities n. Plural of crystallinity.
CRYSTALLINITY n. the quality of being crystalline.
CRYSTALLITEScrystallites n. Plural of crystallite.
CRYSTALLITE n. any of the minute rudimentary or imperfect crystals occurring in many glassy rocks.
CRYSTALLITISESCRYSTALLITIS n. inflammation of the crystalline lens.
DISTASTEFULLYdistastefully adv. In a distasteful manner.
DISTASTEFUL adv. objectionable because offensive to one's personal taste.
DYSTELEOLOGISTdysteleologist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of dysteleology.
DYSTELEOLOGIST n. a specialist in dysteleology, the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
DYSTELEOLOGISTSdysteleologists n. Plural of dysteleologist.
DYSTELEOLOGIST n. a specialist in dysteleology, the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
FETISHISTICALLYfetishistically adv. In a fetishistic manner.
FETISHISTIC adv. relating to or exhibiting fetishism, devotion to or reverence for a fetish or fetishes.
SIDESPLITTINGLYsidesplittingly adv. In a sidesplitting manner; hilariously.
side-splittingly adv. In a side-splitting way, extremely funnily.
SIDESPLITTING adv. extremely funny.
STORYTELLERSstorytellers n. Plural of storyteller.
STORYTELLER n. a teller of stories.
STORYTELLINGSstorytellings n. Plural of storytelling.
STORYTELLING n. the craft of telling stories.
STYLOLITESstylolites n. Plural of stylolite.
STYLOLITE n. an irregular suture-like boundary creating columnar formations in some limestones and evaporites.
SYSTEMATICALLYsystematically adv. In an organized manner; utilising a system.
SYSTEMATICAL adv. relating to or consisting of a system, also SYSTEMATIC.
TACTLESSLYtactlessly adv. In a tactless manner; in a manner intentionally inconsiderate of another’s feelings.
TACTLESS adv. without tact.
TAINTLESSLYtaintlessly adv. In a taintless manner.
TAINTLESS adv. free from taint or infection.
TASTELESSLYtastelessly adv. In a tasteless manner.
tastelessly adv. Such that it cannot be detected by the sense of taste.
TASTELESS adv. without taste.
TETRASYLLABLEStetrasyllables n. Plural of tetrasyllable.
TETRASYLLABLE n. a word with four syllables.
THOUGHTLESSLYthoughtlessly adv. Done without thinking.
THOUGHTLESS adv. insufficiently alert.
THRIFTLESSLYthriftlessly adv. In a thriftless manner.
THRIFTLESS adv. lacking usefulness or worth.
TRUSTLESSLYTRUSTLESS adv. that may not be trusted; not worthy of trust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 361 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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