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There are 20 words containing E, 2L, P, R and 3S

SUPERSELLSsupersells v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supersell.
SUPERSELL v. to sell in exceptional quantities.
SCRUPLELESSscrupleless adj. Without scruples; uninhibited by conscience or moral concerns.
SCRUPLELESS adj. without scruples.
SPARKLESSLYsparklessly adv. Without sparks.
SPARKLESS adv. without a spark.
SPIRILLOSESSPIRILLOSIS n. infection with a spirillum.
PLEASURELESSpleasureless adj. Without pleasure.
PLEASURELESS adj. giving no pleasure.
SPIRITLESSLYspiritlessly adv. In a spiritless manner.
SPIRITLESS adv. lacking animation or courage.
SUPERSELLERSsupersellers n. Plural of superseller.
SUPERSELLER n. something that sells exceptionally well.
ASPERGILLOSESaspergilloses n. Plural of aspergillosis.
ASPERGILLOSIS n. animal disease caused by aspergilli.
ASPERGILLOSISaspergillosis n. Any of various infections by fungi of the genus Aspergillus that cause granulomatous lesions.
ASPERGILLOSIS n. animal disease caused by aspergilli.
PURPOSELESSLYpurposelessly adv. In a purposeless manner; to no end; for no reason.
PURPOSELESS adv. having no purpose.
SUPERCOLOSSALsupercolossal adj. Exceedingly large.
supercolossal adj. Grander than or beyond colossal.
SUPERCOLOSSAL adj. extremely colossal.
BALLISTOSPORESballistospores n. Plural of ballistospore.
BALLISTOSPORE n. a spore, esp. a fungal spore, that is forcefully ejected from its source.
SUPERLOYALISTSsuperloyalists n. Plural of superloyalist.
SUPERLOYALIST n. an extreme loyalist.
COUNSELLORSHIPScounsellorships n. Plural of counsellorship.
COUNSELLORSHIP n. the office of counsellor, also COUNSELORSHIP.
LEGISLATORSHIPSlegislatorships n. Plural of legislatorship.
LEGISLATORSHIP n. the office of legislator.
PERISSOSYLLABICPERISSOSYLLABIC adj. having an additional syllable.
PHLEBOSCLEROSESPHLEBOSCLEROSIS n. hardening and loss of elasticity of the veins.
PHLEBOSCLEROSISphlebosclerosis n. (Pathology) sclerosis of the wall of a vein.
PHLEBOSCLEROSIS n. hardening and loss of elasticity of the veins.
PLEASURABLENESSpleasurableness n. The characteristic of being pleasurable.
PLEASURABLE n. giving pleasure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 335 words
  • Scrabble in French: 73 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 66 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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