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There are 20 words containing E, 3L, O, P, S and Y

BELLYFLOPSbellyflops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bellyflop.
belly-flops n. Plural of belly-flop.
belly␣flops n. Plural of belly flop.
LEPTOPHYLLOUSleptophyllous adj. (Botany) Having long, slender leaves.
LEPTOPHYLLOUS adj. having long thin leaves.
PHYLLOCLADESphylloclades n. Plural of phylloclade.
PHYLLOCLADE n. another name for a cladode, also PHYLLOCLAD.
PHYLLOPLANESphylloplanes n. Plural of phylloplane.
PHYLLOPLANE n. the surface of a leaf considered as a habitat, esp. for microorganisms.
PHYLLOSILICATEphyllosilicate n. (Mineralogy) Any silicate mineral having a crystal structure of parallel sheets of silicate tetrahedra.
PHYLLOSILICATE n. any of a class of silicate minerals, including talc, consisting of thin sheets.
PHYLLOSILICATESphyllosilicates n. Plural of phyllosilicate.
PHYLLOSILICATE n. any of a class of silicate minerals, including talc, consisting of thin sheets.
PLAYFELLOWSplayfellows n. Plural of playfellow.
PLAYFELLOW n. a companion in amusements or sports; a playmate.
PLEONASTICALLYpleonastically adv. (Chiefly linguistics) In a pleonastic manner.
PLEONASTICAL adv. relating to pleonasm, also PLEONASTIC.
POLYCRYSTALLINEpolycrystalline adj. Composed of an aggregate of very small crystals in random orientations.
POLYCRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals variously oriented.
POLYSYLLABLEpolysyllable n. A word with more than two syllables. Sometimes used in a more restricted sense.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
POLYSYLLABLESpolysyllables n. Plural of polysyllable.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
PSEPHOLOGICALLYpsephologically adv. In terms of, or by means of, psephology.
PSEPHOLOGICAL adv. related to psephology.
PSYCHODELICALLYPSYCHODELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHEDELIC.
SCLEROPHYLLsclerophyll n. (Biology) A form of vegetation that has hard leaves and short internodes.
SCLEROPHYLL n. a hard, leathery leaf; a woody plant, esp. of hot, arid regions, with such leaves.
SCLEROPHYLLIESSCLEROPHYLLY n. the possession of sclerophylls, hard leathery leaves.
SCLEROPHYLLOUSsclerophyllous adj. Relating to sclerophylls.
SCLEROPHYLLOUS adj. having sclerophylls, hard leathery leaves.
SCLEROPHYLLSsclerophylls n. Plural of sclerophyll.
SCLEROPHYLL n. a hard, leathery leaf; a woody plant, esp. of hot, arid regions, with such leaves.
SCLEROPHYLLYsclerophylly n. (Botany) The condition of being sclerophyllous.
SCLEROPHYLLY n. the possession of sclerophylls, hard leathery leaves.
SPOYLEFULLSPOYLEFULL adj. (Spenser) plundering, also SPOILFUL.
TELESCOPICALLYtelescopically adv. By means of a telescope.
telescopically adv. Utilizing a telescopic action.
TELESCOPICAL adv. of, relating to, or performed with a telescope, also TELESCOPIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 377 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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