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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing E, L, 2N, 2R, S and T

CORRESPONDENTLYcorrespondently adv. In a corresponding manner.
CORRESPONDENT adv. corresponding.
INTERLACUSTRINEinterlacustrine adj. Situated or existing between lakes, especially the Great Lakes of Africa.
INTERLACUSTRINE adj. situated between lakes.
INTERPERSONALLYinterpersonally adv. In an interpersonal way.
INTERPERSONAL adv. relating to relations between persons.
NITROGLYCERINESnitroglycerines n. Plural of nitroglycerine.
NITROGLYCERINE n. a powerful explosive, also NITROGLYCERIN.
NONCORRELATIONSnoncorrelations n. Plural of noncorrelation.
NONCORRELATION n. a lack of correlation.
NONTRANSFERABLEnontransferable adj. Not transferable; not able to be transferred.
non-transferable adj. Alternative letter-case form of nontransferable.
NONTRANSFERABLE adj. not transferable.
NORTHERLINESSESNORTHERLINESS n. the state of being northerly.
PROLETARIANNESSPROLETARIANNESS n. the state of being proletarian.
REMONSTRATINGLYremonstratingly adv. With remonstrations.
REMONSTRATING adv. REMONSTRATE, to protest, to expostulate.
RENORMALISATIONrenormalisation n. Alternative spelling of renormalization.
RENORMALISATION n. the process of renormalising, also RENORMALIZATION.
TRANSGRESSIONALtransgressional adj. Of, relating to, or involving transgression.
TRANSGRESSIONAL adj. related to transgression.
TRANSLITERATINGtransliterating v. Present participle of transliterate.
TRANSLITERATE v. to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet.
TRANSLITERATIONtransliteration n. (Linguistics, translation studies) The act or product of transliterating, of representing letters or…
transliteration n. (Sign language) The act or product of rendering speech in sign language, or vice versa.
TRANSLITERATION n. the act of transliterating.
TRINITROPHENOLSTRINITROPHENOL n. a similar derivative of phenol, esp. picric acid.
UNCONTROVERSIALuncontroversial adj. Not controversial.
UNCONTROVERSIAL adj. not controversial.
UNTRANSFERRABLEuntransferrable adj. Alternative spelling of untransferable.
UNTRANSFERRABLE adj. not transferrable, also UNTRANSFERABLE.
WARRANTABLENESSwarrantableness n. The quality of being warrantable.
WARRANTABLENESS n. the state of being warrantable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 118 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 111 words

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