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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing E, 2L, N, O, P, R and S

CHANCELLORSHIPSchancellorships n. Plural of chancellorship.
CHANCELLORSHIP n. the office of chancellor.
CONTROLLERSHIPScontrollerships n. Plural of controllership.
CONTROLLERSHIP n. the office of controller.
COUNSELLORSHIPScounsellorships n. Plural of counsellorship.
COUNSELLORSHIP n. the office of counsellor, also COUNSELORSHIP.
ELECTROPLATINGSelectroplatings n. Plural of electroplating.
ELECTROPLATING n. the act of electroplating.
HYPOCRYSTALLINEhypocrystalline adj. (Geology, of igneous rocks) having both glass and crystalline components.
HYPOCRYSTALLINE adj. of igneous rocks, having both glass and crystalline components.
INTERPELLATIONSinterpellations n. Plural of interpellation.
INTERPELLATION n. a formal questioning or challenging regarding an action or policy.
INTERPERSONALLYinterpersonally adv. In an interpersonal way.
INTERPERSONAL adv. relating to relations between persons.
IONOSPHERICALLYionospherically adv. In terms of the ionosphere.
IONOSPHERIC adv. relating to the ionosphere.
MONOPROPELLANTSmonopropellants n. Plural of monopropellant.
MONOPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant containing both the fuel and the oxidizer in a single substance.
PHALLOCENTRISMSphallocentrisms n. Plural of phallocentrism.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.
POLYCRYSTALLINEpolycrystalline adj. Composed of an aggregate of very small crystals in random orientations.
POLYCRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals variously oriented.
POSTMILLENARIANpostmillenarian n. One who believes in postmillennialism.
POSTMILLENARIAN n. a believer in postmillennialism.
PREINSTALLATIONpreinstallation n. The process or result of preinstalling.
PREPOSITIONALLYprepositionally adv. In a prepositional manner.
prepositionally adv. As a preposition.
PREPOSITIONAL adv. relating to a preposition.
PROGRESSIONALLYPROGRESSIONAL adv. relating to progression.
SELENOGRAPHICALselenographical adj. Alternative form of selenographic.
SELENOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to selenography, the mapping of the moon, also SELENOGRAPHIC.
SEPTENTRIONALLYseptentrionally adv. (Obsolete, nonce word) northerly.
SEPTENTRIONAL adv. (obsolete) northern, also SEPTENTRIAL.
SPLENDIFEROUSLYsplendiferously adv. In a splendiferous manner.
SPLENDIFEROUS adv. splendid.
SUPERNATIONALLYsupernationally adv. In a way that spans nations; above or beyond what is national.
SUPERNATIONAL adv. overriding national sovereignty; in or belonging to more than one nation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 185 words
  • Scrabble in French: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 49 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 123 words

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