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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing E, L, O, P, R, 2T and Y

ELECTROTHERAPYelectrotherapy n. The use of electrical energy as a medical treatment.
ELECTROTHERAPY n. the therapeutic use of electricity.
ELECTROTYPISTSelectrotypists n. Plural of electrotypist.
ELECTROTYPIST n. one who does electrotyping.
HETEROPOLARITYheteropolarity n. The condition of being heteropolar.
HETEROPOLARITY n. the state of being heteropolar.
NONTEMPORALITYSorry, definition not available.
NORTRIPTYLINESnortriptylines n. Plural of nortriptyline.
NORTRIPTYLINE n. a tricyclic antidepressant used in the form of its hydrochloride.
OPHTHALMOMETRYophthalmometry n. Measurement of the visual acuity and refractive power of the eyes.
OPHTHALMOMETRY n. measurement of the eye.
ORTHOPTEROLOGYorthopterology n. The scientific study of the Orthoptera.
ORTHOPTEROLOGY n. the study of cockroaches.
PHOTOTHERMALLYphotothermally adv. In a photothermal manner.
PHOTOTHERMAL adv. of or concerned with light and heat, esp. the production of heat by light, also PHOTOTHERMIC.
PHYTOPLANKTERSphytoplankters n. Plural of phytoplankter.
PHYTOPLANKTER n. a planktonic plant.
POLYUNSATURATEpolyunsaturate n. Any polyunsaturated fat or fatty acid.
polyunsaturate adj. Polyunsaturated.
POLYUNSATURATE n. a fat that is polyunsaturated.
PROSTHETICALLYprosthetically adv. By prosthetic means.
PROSTHETIC adv. relating to prosthesis.
PROTOPLANETARYprotoplanetary adj. (Astronomy, planets) Of or pertaining to a protoplanet.
protoplanetary adj. Relating to a stage in the life of a red giant star or its protoplanetary nebula during the star’s final…
proto-planetary adj. Alternative form of protoplanetary.
RADIOTELETYPESradioteletypes n. Plural of radioteletype.
RADIOTELETYPE n. a teleprinter that receives and transmits by radio.
RECAPITULATORYrecapitulatory adj. Of the nature of a recapitulation.
RECAPITULATORY adj. of the nature of a recapitulation.
TREPIDATIOUSLYtrepidatiously adv. In a trepidatious manner; with trepidation.
TRIPERSONALITYtripersonality n. The quality of being tripersonal.
TRIPERSONALITY n. the state of being tripersonal, consisting of three persons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 131 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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