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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing E, L, 2N, O, P, T and U

ENCAPSULATIONencapsulation n. The act of enclosing in a capsule; the growth of a membrane around (any part) so as to enclose it in a capsule.
encapsulation n. (Programming, object-oriented programming) Grouping together an object’s ‘state’ (its data) and the…
encapsulation n. (Networking) The process of arranging data into packets that can be transmitted using a given protocol.
INOPPORTUNELYinopportunely adv. In an inopportune manner.
INOPPORTUNE adv. inconvenient, unseasonable.
INTERCOUPLINGintercoupling v. Present participle of intercouple.
NONCONCEPTUALnonconceptual adj. Not of a conceptual nature.
NONCONCEPTUAL adj. not conceptual.
NONPETROLEUMSSorry, definition not available.
NUCLEOPROTEINnucleoprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any complex of a nucleic acid and a protein.
NUCLEOPROTEIN n. a compound that consists of a protein (as a histone) conjugated with a nucleic acid (as a DNA) and that is the principal constituent of the hereditary material in chromosomes.
PEDUNCULATIONpedunculation n. The condition of being pedunculate.
pedunculation n. A mass of peduncles.
PEDUNCULATION n. the state of being pedunculate.
PLASTOQUINONEplastoquinone n. (Biochemistry) a quinone, related to the carotenoids, involved in the electron transport process of photosynthesis.
PLASTOQUINONE n. a plant substance that is related to vitamin K and plays a role in photosynthetic phosphorylation.
PLENITUDINOUSplenitudinous adj. Characterised by plenitude; abundant.
PLENITUDINOUS adj. full, complete.
PLENTEOUSNESSplenteousness n. An abundant supply; abundance.
PLENTEOUSNESS n. the state of being plenteous.
SPONTANEOUSLYspontaneously adv. In a spontaneous manner; naturally; voluntarily.
SPONTANEOUS adv. acting by its own impulse or natural law.
SUPERNATIONALsupernational adj. Spanning nations; having large autonomy.
SUPERNATIONAL adj. overriding national sovereignty; in or belonging to more than one nation.
UNEMPLOYMENTSunemployments n. Plural of unemployment.
UNEMPLOYMENT n. the state of being unemployed.
UNEXCEPTIONALunexceptional adj. Not exceptional.
UNEXCEPTIONAL adj. not out of the ordinary.
UNPUTDOWNABLEunputdownable adj. Of a person, etc.: difficult or impossible to put down (in various senses).
unputdownable adj. (Specifically) Of a book or other written work: so captivating or engrossing that one cannot bear to stop reading it.
un-put-downable adj. Alternative form of unputdownable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 16 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 63 words

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