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There are 18 words containing E, K, R, 2S, 2T and U

OUTSTRIKESoutstrikes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outstrike.
OUTSTRIKE v. to outdo in striking.
OUTSTROKESoutstrokes n. Plural of outstroke.
OUTSTROKE n. an outward stroke.
STRIKEOUTSstrikeouts n. Plural of strikeout.
strike-outs n. Plural of strike-out.
STRIKEOUT n. an out in baseball resulting from a batsman's being charged with three strikes.
RUSTBUCKETSrustbuckets n. Plural of rustbucket.
rust-buckets n. Plural of rust-bucket.
rust␣buckets n. Plural of rust bucket.
STAGESTRUCKstagestruck adj. Enamored of the theatre, the craft of acting or of actors/actresses.
STAGESTRUCK adj. fascinated by the stage.
STOCKROUTESSTOCKROUTE n. in Australia and New Zealand, a right of way for travelling stock.
TANKBUSTERStankbusters n. Plural of tankbuster.
TANKBUSTER n. a plane that specialises in attacking tanks.
TREKSCHUITStrekschuits n. Plural of trekschuit.
TREKSCHUIT n. (Dutch) a towed canalboat.
MULTISTRIKESMULTISTRIKE n. an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print.
MULTITASKERSmultitaskers n. Plural of multitasker.
TRUCKMASTERStruckmasters n. Plural of truckmaster.
TRUCKMASTER n. an officer in charge of trade with American Indians esp. among the early settlers.
CONCERTSTUCKSCONCERTSTUCK n. a composition in concerto style but shorter than a full concerto.
SKUTTERUDITESskutterudites n. Plural of skutterudite.
SKUTTERUDITE n. a cubic mineral, cobalt arsenide.
SPLATTERPUNKSsplatterpunks n. Plural of splatterpunk.
SPLATTERPUNK n. a genre of fiction centring on extremely gory scenes.
COUNTERSTRIKEScounterstrikes n. Plural of counterstrike.
COUNTERSTRIKE v. to counter with an opposing strike.
COUNTERSTROKEScounterstrokes n. Plural of counterstroke.
COUNTERSTROKE n. a stroke in return.
THUNDERSTRIKESthunderstrikes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thunderstrike.
THUNDERSTRIKE v. to strike dumb.
THUNDERSTROKESthunderstrokes n. Plural of thunderstroke.
THUNDERSTROKE n. a stroke of or as if of lightning with the attendant thunder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 333 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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