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There are 15 words containing E, K, O, R, 3S and T

BREASTSTROKERSbreaststrokers n. Plural of breaststroker.
BREASTSTROKER n. one who swims using breaststroke.
BREASTSTROKESbreaststrokes n. Plural of breaststroke.
breaststrokes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breaststroke.
BREASTSTROKE n. a swimming-stroke performed breast-down, with circling movements of the arms and a froglike movement of the legs.
BRUSHSTROKESbrushstrokes n. Plural of brushstroke.
BRUSHSTROKE n. a stroke with a brush.
KNOTGRASSESknotgrasses n. Plural of knotgrass.
KNOTGRASS n. any of several weeds of the genus Polygonum, with wiry jointed creeping stems and small pinkish or whitish flowers in the axils of the leaves.
KOEKSISTERSkoeksisters n. Plural of koeksister.
KOEKSISTER n. a South African doughnut.
KURTOSISESkurtosises n. Plural of kurtosis.
KURTOSIS n. the sharpness of the peak of a statistical curve.
MASTERSTROKESmasterstrokes n. Plural of masterstroke.
master␣strokes n. Plural of master stroke.
MASTERSTROKE n. a masterly performance or move.
SIDESTROKESsidestrokes n. Plural of sidestroke.
SIDESTROKE n. a swimming stroke which is executed on the side and in which the arms are swept in separate strokes towards the feet and downward and the legs do a scissors kick.
SKELETONISERSskeletonisers n. Plural of skeletoniser.
SKELETONISER n. any of the larva of various moths that feed on leaves reducing them to skeletons, also SKELETONIZER.
STOCKHORSESSTOCKHORSE n. (Australian) a horse trained to work with sheep and cattle.
STREPTOKINASESstreptokinases n. Plural of streptokinase.
STREPTOKINASE n. a proteolytic enzyme produced by hemolytic streptococci that promotes the dissolution of blood clots by activating plasminogen to produce plasmin.
SUNSTROKESsunstrokes n. Plural of sunstroke.
SUNSTROKE n. a medical condition of general collapse caused by prolonged exposure to intense sunlight.
SUPERSTOCKSsuperstocks n. Plural of superstock.
SUPERSTOCK n. a very high-performing stock.
WORKMISTRESSworkmistress n. (Archaic) A female workmaster.
WORKMISTRESS n. an expert (female) worker or craftsperson, overseer or employer.
WORKMISTRESSESworkmistresses n. Plural of workmistress.
WORKMISTRESS n. an expert (female) worker or craftsperson, overseer or employer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 375 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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