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There are 14 words containing E, I, M, 2O, P, R and X

EXOSPORIUMexosporium n. (Botany) The outer layer of a pollen grain or spore; the exine.
EXOSPORIUM n. the outermost layer of spores of certain bacilli.
PEROXISOMEperoxisome n. (Cytology) An intracellular organelle found in all eukaryotes (except Archezoa) which is the source…
PEROXISOME n. an organelle containing enzymes.
EXPROMISSORexpromissor n. (Law) The new debtor introduced by expromission.
EXPROMISSOR n. a person relieving another of debt by taking it upon himself.
PEROXISOMALperoxisomal adj. Of or pertaining to the peroxisome.
PEROXISOMAL adj. of or like a peroxisome.
PEROXISOMESperoxisomes n. Plural of peroxisome.
PEROXISOME n. an organelle containing enzymes.
XENOMORPHICxenomorphic adj. (Petrography, of a mineral grain) That does not have its characteristic crystalline form but has a form…
xenomorphic adj. In an unusual form; having a strange form.
XENOMORPHIC adj. having a form not its own.
XEROMORPHICxeromorphic adj. (Biology) Of, relating to, or characteristic of the xerophytes, especially having the ability to store…
XEROMORPHIC adj. of parts of a plant, protected against excessive loss of water by thick cuticles, coatings of hairs and similar structural features, also XEROMORPHOUS.
EXPROMISSIONexpromission n. (Law) The intervention of a new debtor, substituted for the former one, who is consequently discharged…
EXPROMISSION n. relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself.
EXPROMISSORSexpromissors n. Plural of expromissor.
EXPROMISSOR n. a person relieving another of debt by taking it upon himself.
EXPROMISSIONSEXPROMISSION n. relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself.
COMPLEXOMETRICcomplexometric adj. (Chemistry) Describing a form of titration in which the titrant forms a complex (usually coloured) with the analyte.
complexometric adj. (Chemistry) Describing any indicator that is used in such titrations.
COMPLEXOMETRIC adj. as in complexometric indicator, a dye that undergoes a definite color change in presence of specific metal ions.
EXTEMPORISATIONextemporisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of extemporization.
EXTEMPORISATION n. the act of extemporising, also EXTEMPORIZATION.
EXTEMPORIZATIONextemporization n. The act of extemporizing; the act of doing anything extempore.
EXTEMPORIZATION n. the act of extemporizing, also EXTEMPORISATION.
XENOMORPHICALLYXENOMORPHIC adv. having a form not its own.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 293 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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