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There are 17 words containing E, I, 2M, N, R, T and V

IMPROVEMENTimprovement n. The act of improving; advancement or growth; a bettering.
improvement n. The act of making profitable use or application of anything, or the state of being profitably employed;…
improvement n. The state of being improved; betterment; advance.
IMPROVEMENTSimprovements n. Plural of improvement.
IMPROVEMENT n. the act of improving.
OVERTRIMMINGovertrimming v. Present participle of overtrim.
OVERTRIM v. to trim too much.
MISGOVERNMENTmisgovernment n. Bad government.
misgovernment n. (Archaic) Failure to restrict oneself; improper behavior; misconduct.
MISGOVERNMENT n. wrong government.
EMPOVERISHMENTEMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of becoming empoverished.
IMMUNOREACTIVEimmunoreactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing an immune reaction.
immunoreactive n. Any substance that causes an immune reaction.
IMMUNOREACTIVE adj. reacting to particular antigens or haptens.
IMPOVERISHMENTimpoverishment n. The action of impoverishing someone.
impoverishment n. The state of being impoverished.
IMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of being impoverished.
MISGOVERNMENTSmisgovernments n. Plural of misgovernment.
MISGOVERNMENT n. wrong government.
MISIMPROVEMENTmisimprovement n. Ill use or employment; use for a bad purpose.
MISIMPROVEMENT n. a false improvement.
OVERCOMMITMENTovercommitment n. The act or situation of overcommitting.
OVERCOMMITMENT n. excessive commitment.
OVERCOMMITTINGovercommitting v. Present participle of overcommit.
OVERCOMMIT v. to commit excessively.
EMPOVERISHMENTSEMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of becoming empoverished.
GOVERNMENTALISMgovernmentalism n. (Sociology) Synonym of governmentality.
GOVERNMENTALISM n. a theory advocating extension of the sphere and degree of government activity.
IMPOVERISHMENTSimpoverishments n. Plural of impoverishment.
IMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of being impoverished.
MISIMPROVEMENTSmisimprovements n. Plural of misimprovement.
MISIMPROVEMENT n. a false improvement.
OVERCOMMITMENTSovercommitments n. Plural of overcommitment.
OVERCOMMITMENT n. excessive commitment.
OVERCOMMUNICATEovercommunicate v. To communicate too much.
OVERCOMMUNICATE v. to communicate excessively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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