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There are 17 words containing E, I, L, N, 2P and 2T

ANTIEPILEPTICantiepileptic adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to prevent epileptic seizures.
antiepileptic n. (Medicine) A drug which acts to prevent epileptic seizures.
ANTIEPILEPTIC n. a drug used to prevent or suppress epilepsy.
ANTIEPILEPTICSantiepileptics n. Plural of antiepileptic.
ANTIEPILEPTIC n. a drug used to prevent or suppress epilepsy.
INTERPERCEPTUALinterperceptual adj. Between acts of perception.
INTERPERCEPTUAL adj. relating to interaction between modes of perception.
INTERPOPULATIONinterpopulation adj. Between populations.
INTERPOPULATION n. between populations.
PENTAPOLITANpentapolitan adj. Relating to a pentapolis.
Pentapolitan adj. Of or relating to the ancient Pentapolis of Cyrenaica in northern Africa.
PENTAPOLITAN adj. relating to a pentapolis, an alliance of five cities.
PLATINOTYPEplatinotype n. (Uncountable) A method of making photographic prints using platinum salts.
platinotype n. (Countable) A print made by this method.
PLATINOTYPE n. an obsolete method of photography by reducing a compound of platinum.
PLATINOTYPESplatinotypes n. Plural of platinotype.
PLATINOTYPE n. an obsolete method of photography by reducing a compound of platinum.
PLENIPOTENTplenipotent adj. Possessing full power.
PLENIPOTENT adj. having absolute power, also PLENIPOTENTIAL.
PLENIPOTENTIALplenipotential adj. Pertaining to a plenipotentiary; having full authority.
PLENIPOTENTIAL adj. having absolute power, also PLENIPOTENT.
PLENIPOTENTIARYplenipotentiary n. A person invested with full powers, especially as the diplomatic agent of a sovereign state, (originally)…
plenipotentiary adj. Invested with full power.
plenipotentiary adj. Of or relating to a plenipotentiary agent.
PLURIPOTENTpluripotent adj. (Biology) Able to develop into more than one mature cell or tissue type, but not all.
PLURIPOTENT adj. not fixed as to development potentialities e.g. 'pluripotent stem cells'.
POPLINETTEPOPLINETTE n. an imitation poplin.
POPLINETTESPOPLINETTE n. an imitation poplin.
PRECIPITANTLYprecipitantly adv. With foolish or rash haste; in a headlong manner.
PRECIPITANT adv. serving to precipitate.
PREIMPLANTATIONpreimplantation adj. (Medicine) Prior to implantation.
PREIMPLANTATION adj. of, involving, or being an embryo before uterine implantation.
PROPORTIONATELYproportionately adv. In a proportionate manner; with due proportion; proportionally.
PROPORTIONATE adv. in proportion.
SUPPLEMENTATIONsupplementation n. The act of supplementing.
supplementation n. Something added as a supplement.
SUPPLEMENTATION n. the act of supplementing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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