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There are 14 words containing E, I, 2L, P, S and 2U

PLUGUGLIESpluguglies n. Plural of plugugly.
plug-uglies n. Plural of plug-ugly.
PLUGUGLY n. a very ugly person.
PULVINULESPULVINULE n. the pulvinus of a leaflet.
SUBMULTIPLEsubmultiple n. (Sciences) A quantity that gives another quantity when multiplied by an integer.
SUBMULTIPLE n. a quantity that divides into another exactly.
UNPLAUSIBLEunplausible adj. Implausible.
UNPLAUSIBLE adj. not plausible, also IMPLAUSIBLE.
SUBMULTIPLESsubmultiples n. Plural of submultiple.
SUBMULTIPLE n. a quantity that divides into another exactly.
SUPERLUMINALsuperluminal adj. (Astronomy, physics, fiction, fantasy) Faster than light; having a speed greater than light.
SUPERLUMINAL adj. faster than light.
EQUIMULTIPLESequimultiples n. Plural of equimultiple.
EQUIMULTIPLE n. a number multiplied by the same number as another.
FILIPENDULOUSfilipendulous adj. Suspended by, or strung upon, a thread; said of tuberous swellings in the middle or at the extremities…
FILIPENDULOUS adj. hanging by or strung on a thread.
LIPOSCULPTUREliposculpture n. A form of liposuction that uses ultrasound to first break up the fat.
LIPOSCULPTURE n. cosmetic surgery on the lips.
UNPUBLISHABLEunpublishable adj. Not suitable for publication.
UNPUBLISHABLE adj. that cannot be published.
EUPHUISTICALLYeuphuistically adv. In a euphuistic manner.
EUPHUISTICAL adv. characterised by euphuism, also EUPHUISTIC.
LIPOSCULPTURESLIPOSCULPTURE n. cosmetic surgery on the lips.
PNEUMOBACILLUSPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
SUPERCILIOUSLYsuperciliously adv. In a supercilious manner.
SUPERCILIOUS adv. haughtily contemptuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 295 words
  • Scrabble in French: 88 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 514 words

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