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There are 20 words containing E, 2I, 2L, T and 2U

LUXULIANITELUXULIANITE n. a tourmaline granite found at Luxulyan in Cornwall, also LUXULLIANITE, LUXULYANITE.
EQUIMULTIPLEequimultiple n. (Mathematics) One of the products arising from the multiplication of two or more values by the same value.
equimultiple adj. (Mathematics) Multiplied by the same number or quantity.
EQUIMULTIPLE n. a number multiplied by the same number as another.
LUXULIANITESLUXULIANITE n. a tourmaline granite found at Luxulyan in Cornwall, also LUXULLIANITE, LUXULYANITE.
LUXULLIANITEluxullianite n. (Mineralogy) A kind of granite characterized by the presence of radiating groups of minute tourmaline crystals.
LUXULLIANITE n. a tourmaline granite found at Luxulyan in Cornwall, also LUXULIANITE, LUXULYANITE.
MULTICAULINEmulticauline adj. Having more than one caulis.
MULTICAULINE adj. having many stems.
MULTILOQUIESMULTILOQUY n. excess of words or talk.
SILVICULTUREsilviculture n. The care and development of forests in order to obtain a product or provide a benefit; forestry.
SILVICULTURE n. the growing of trees, also SYLVICULTURE.
EQUIMULTIPLESequimultiples n. Plural of equimultiple.
EQUIMULTIPLE n. a number multiplied by the same number as another.
LUXULLIANITESluxullianites n. Plural of luxullianite.
LUXULLIANITE n. a tourmaline granite found at Luxulyan in Cornwall, also LUXULIANITE, LUXULYANITE.
SILVICULTURESsilvicultures n. Plural of silviculture.
SILVICULTURE n. the growing of trees, also SYLVICULTURE.
UNILLUMINATEDunilluminated adj. Not illuminated.
UNILLUMINATED adj. not illuminated.
UNINFLUENTIALuninfluential adj. Not influential; lacking influence.
UNINFLUENTIAL adj. not influential.
EUPHUISTICALLYeuphuistically adv. In a euphuistic manner.
EUPHUISTICAL adv. characterised by euphuism, also EUPHUISTIC.
MULTIRELIGIOUSmultireligious adj. Having, or being home to, multiple religions.
MULTIRELIGIOUS adj. comprising many religions.
MULTIUTILITIESmultiutilities n. Plural of multiutility.
MULTIUTILITY n. a public utility that provides more than one essential service, such as gas and electricity.
ULTRARELIGIOUSultrareligious adj. Extremely religious.
UNICELLULARITYunicellularity n. The condition of being unicellular.
UNICELLULARITY n. the state of being unicellular.
ILLUSTRIOUSNESSillustriousness n. The state of being illustrious.
ILLUSTRIOUSNESS n. the state of being illustrious.
MULTIARTICULATEmultiarticulate adj. Able to bend or hinge at more than one point.
SUBINTELLIGITURsubintelligitur n. Something that is implied even though not expressed.
SUBINTELLIGITUR n. something that is not stated but understood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 429 words
  • Scrabble in French: 93 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 16 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2220 words

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