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There are 14 words containing E, 2I, K, M, N, P and S

MISKEEPINGmiskeeping v. Present participle of miskeep.
MISKEEP v. to keep wrongly.
SKIMPINESSskimpiness n. The property of being skimpy.
SKIMPINESS n. the state of being skimpy.
MARLINSPIKEmarlinspike n. A tool, consisting of a pointed metal spike, used to manipulate the strands of rope or cable when knotting…
marlin-spike n. Alternative form of marlinspike.
marlin␣spike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
MISSPEAKINGmisspeaking n. (Obsolete) Speaking ill; defamation, slander.
misspeaking n. The fact or instance of speaking falsely or unclearly.
MISSPEAK v. to speak incorrectly.
PIKEMINNOWSpikeminnows n. Plural of pikeminnow.
MARLINESPIKEmarlinespike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
marline␣spike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
MARLINESPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINGSPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MARLINGSPIKEmarlingspike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
marling␣spike n. Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MARLINSPIKESmarlinspikes n. Plural of marlinspike.
marlin-spikes n. Plural of marlin-spike.
marlin␣spikes n. Plural of marlin spike.
SKIMPINESSESSKIMPINESS n. the state of being skimpy.
TIMEKEEPINGStimekeepings n. Plural of timekeeping.
TIMEKEEPING n. keeping punctual time.
MARLINESPIKESmarlinespikes n. Plural of marlinespike.
marline␣spikes n. Plural of marline spike.
MARLINESPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINGSPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MARLINGSPIKESmarlingspikes n. Plural of marlingspike.
marling␣spikes n. Plural of marling spike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
PNEUMOKONIOSISPNEUMOKONIOSIS n. a disease of the lungs caused by the habitual inhalation of irritants (as mineral or metallic particles).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 204 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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