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There are 17 words containing E, 4I, L, M and U

DISEQUILIBRIUMdisequilibrium n. The loss of equilibrium or stability, especially due to an imbalance of forces.
DISEQUILIBRIUM n. loss or lack of equilibrium.
DISEQUILIBRIUMSdisequilibriums n. Plural of disequilibrium.
DISEQUILIBRIUM n. loss or lack of equilibrium.
DISSIMILITUDEdissimilitude n. The quality of being diverse or different; lack of resemblance.
DISSIMILITUDE n. lack of resemblance.
DISSIMILITUDESdissimilitudes n. Plural of dissimilitude.
DISSIMILITUDE n. lack of resemblance.
IMMUTABILITIESimmutabilities n. Plural of immutability.
IMMUTABILITY n. the state of being immutable.
IMPULSIVITIESimpulsivities n. Plural of impulsivity.
IMPULSIVITY n. the state of being impulsive.
IMPUTABILITIESimputabilities n. Plural of imputability.
IMPUTABILITY n. the ability to be imputed.
MULTIDISCIPLINEmultidiscipline adj. Combining several disciplines; multidisciplinary.
MULTIDISCIPLINE adj. comprising many disciplines.
MULTIPLICITIESmultiplicities n. Plural of multiplicity.
MULTIPLICITY n. the state of being multiple.
MULTIUTILITIESmultiutilities n. Plural of multiutility.
MULTIUTILITY n. a public utility that provides more than one essential service, such as gas and electricity.
MUNICIPALITIESmunicipalities n. Plural of municipality.
MUNICIPALITY n. a primarily urban political unit having corporate status and usually powers of self-government.
PUSILLANIMITIESpusillanimities n. Plural of pusillanimity.
PUSILLANIMITY n. cowardliness.
SEMIFLUIDITIESSEMIFLUIDITY n. the state of being semifluid.
UNAMIABILITIESUNAMIABILITY n. the quality of being unamiable.
UNFAMILIARITIESunfamiliarities n. Plural of unfamiliarity.
UNFAMILIARITY n. the state of being unfamiliar.
VERISIMILITUDEverisimilitude n. The property of seeming true, of resembling reality; resemblance to reality, realism.
verisimilitude n. A statement which merely appears to be true.
verisimilitude n. (In composing a fiction): Faithfulness to its own rules; internal cohesion.
VERISIMILITUDESverisimilitudes n. Plural of verisimilitude.
VERISIMILITUDE n. the state of being verisimilar, having the appearance of truth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 236 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 30 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 217 words

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