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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, I, M, N, O, R, S and T

BRIMSTONEbrimstone n. The sulfur of Hell; Hell, damnation.
brimstone n. (Archaic) sulfur.
brimstone n. (Obsolete) A whore.
HORSEMINThorsemint n. (US) A coarse American plant of the mint family (Monarda punctata).
horsemint n. (UK) Wild mint (Mentha sylvestris, now Mentha longifolia).
horsemint n. (Southwestern US, Northwestern US) An aromatic plant of the mint family, Agastache urticifolia.
INNERMOSTinnermost adj. Farthest inside or towards the center or middle.
innermost n. That which is innermost; the core.
INNERMOST adj. farthest in.
INTERCOMSintercoms n. Plural of intercom.
intercoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercom.
INTERCOM n. a type of communication system.
MATRONISEmatronise v. Alternative form of matronize.
MATRONISE v. to make a matron of; to make like a matron, also MATRONIZE.
MISORIENTmisorient v. To orient badly or wrongly.
MISORIENT v. to orient in a wrong direction.
MODERNISTmodernist adj. Of, or relating to modernism.
modernist n. A follower or proponent of modernism.
modernist adj. (Cooking) Pertaining to the culinary arts of molecular gastronomy.
MOISTENERmoistener n. Something used to moisten, especially a cosmetic.
MOISTENER n. something that moistens.
MONITRESSmonitress n. (Now rare) A female mentor or advisor; a female observer.
monitress n. (Dated) A female monitor, or school leader.
MONITRESS n. a female monitor.
MOTIONERSmotioners n. Plural of motioner.
MOTIONER n. one who makes a motion.
NEOTERISMneoterism n. An innovation or novelty; a neoteric word or phrase.
NEOTERISM n. the introduction of new things, esp. words.
ORPIMENTSorpiments n. Plural of orpiment.
ORPIMENT n. a yellow arsenic compound used as a pigment.
REMOISTENremoisten v. To moisten again.
REMOISTEN v. to moisten again.
REMOTIONSremotions n. Plural of remotion.
REMOTION n. the act of removing.
THERMIONSthermions n. Plural of thermion.
THERMION n. an ion emitted by a heated body.
TIMONEERStimoneers n. Plural of timoneer.
TIMONEER n. a helmsman.
TROMINOEStrominoes n. Plural of tromino.
TROMINO n. a flat, three-sided shape.
UNMORTISEUNMORTISE v. to release from mortise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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