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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing E, I, O, 2R, S, T and Z

ECTOMYCORRHIZASectomycorrhizas n. Plural of ectomycorrhiza.
ECTOMYCORRHIZA n. a type of mycorrhiza in which the fungus forms a layer on the outside of the roots of the plant.
FRATERNIZATIONSfraternizations n. Plural of fraternization.
FRATERNIZATION n. the act of fraternizing, also FRATERNISATION.
GRANGERIZATIONSgrangerizations n. Plural of grangerization.
GRANGERIZATION n. the process of grangerizing, also GRANGERISATION.
GYROSTABILIZERSgyrostabilizers n. Plural of gyrostabilizer.
gyro-stabilizers n. Plural of gyro-stabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
OVERCENTRALIZESovercentralizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcentralize.
OVERCENTRALIZE v. to centralize to excess, also OVERCENTRALISE.
PRESSURIZATIONSpressurizations n. Plural of pressurization.
PRESSURIZATION n. the act of pressurizing, also PRESSURISATION.
PROLETARIANIZESproletarianizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proletarianize.
PROLETARIANIZE v. to reduce to a proletarian status or level, also PROLETARIANISE.
REGULARIZATIONSregularizations n. Plural of regularization.
REGULARIZATION n. the act of regularizing, also REGULARISATION.
REORGANIZATIONSreorganizations n. Plural of reorganization.
REORGANIZATION n. the act of reorganizing, also REORGANISATION.
REPOLARIZATIONSrepolarizations n. Plural of repolarization.
REPOLARIZATION n. restoration of the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the cell membrane following depolarization, also REPOLARISATION.
RESURRECTIONIZEresurrectionize v. (Transitive) To resurrect, or raise from the dead.
resurrectionize v. To remove a body from its grave (illegally, for dissection); to engage in bodysnatching.
RESURRECTIONIZE v. to bring about resurrection, also RESURRECTIONISE.
RETHEORIZATIONSretheorizations n. Plural of retheorization.
REVALORIZATIONSrevalorizations n. Plural of revalorization.
REVALORIZATION n. the act of revalorizing, also REVALORISATION.
REVOLUTIONIZERSrevolutionizers n. Plural of revolutionizer.
REVOLUTIONIZER n. one who effects a revolution, also REVOLUTIONISER.
TERRITORIALIZESterritorializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of territorialize.
TERRITORIALIZE v. to organize on a territorial basis, also TERRITORIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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