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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing E, 2I, O, 2S and 2U

DESULFURISATIONDESULFURISATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURIZATION.
ILLUSTRIOUSNESSillustriousness n. The state of being illustrious.
ILLUSTRIOUSNESS n. the state of being illustrious.
IMPECUNIOUSNESSimpecuniousness n. The property of being impecunious.
IMPECUNIOUS n. without money; penniless.
INCURIOUSNESSESINCURIOUSNESS n. the state of being incurious.
INDUSTRIOUSNESSindustriousness n. The quality of being industrious; diligence.
INDUSTRIOUS n. habitually active or occupied.
INJUDICIOUSNESSinjudiciousness n. The state or condition of being injudicious.
INJUDICIOUSNESS n. the state of being injudicious.
INJURIOUSNESSESinjuriousnesses n. Plural of injuriousness.
INJURIOUSNESS n. the state of being injurious.
INTUSSUSCEPTIONintussusception n. (Medicine) The invagination of one portion of a tubular anatomical structure (especially intestines…
intussusception n. (Rare) Absorption.
INTUSSUSCEPTION n. movement of one part of a thing into another.
JUDICIOUSNESSESJUDICIOUSNESS n. the state of being judicious.
OSTREICULTURISTostreiculturist n. A breeder or farmer of oysters.
OSTREICULTURIST n. one who breeds oysters.
PUNCTILIOUSNESSpunctiliousness n. The act or state of being punctilious; strict attention to detail.
PUNCTILIOUS n. extremely attentive to minute details of action or behavior.
SUBINFEUDATIONSsubinfeudations n. Plural of subinfeudation.
SUBINFEUDATION n. the sublease of a portion of a feudal estate by a vassal to a tenant who pays fealty to the vassal.
SUBREPTITIOUSLYsubreptitiously adv. Obsolete form of surreptitiously.
SUBREPTITIOUS adv. fraudulently obtained; surreptitious.
SUPERINDUCTIONSsuperinductions n. Plural of superinduction.
SUPERINDUCTION n. the act of superinducing.
SUPERSTITIOUSLYsuperstitiously adv. In a superstitious manner.
SUPERSTITIOUS adv. relating to superstition.
SURREPTITIOUSLYsurreptitiously adv. In a surreptitious manner; stealthily, furtively, secretly.
SURREPTITIOUS adv. done by stealth.
UNCONSCIENTIOUSunconscientious adj. Not conscientious.
UNCONSCIENTIOUS adj. not conscientious.
UNFOSSILIFEROUSunfossiliferous adj. Not fossiliferous, nonfossiliferous.
UNFOSSILIFEROUS adj. not fossiliferous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 49 words

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