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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing E, 2I, 2O, 2P and R

APHELIOTROPISMapheliotropism n. The habit of bending away from sunlight, as some plants do.
APHELIOTROPISM n. growth away from the sun.
APOLIPOPROTEINapolipoprotein n. (Biochemistry) Any polypeptide or protein that can serve as an apoprotein by binding with a lipid to…
APOLIPOPROTEIN n. a protein that combines with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.
BIOPROSPECTINGbioprospecting n. (Biology) The methodical search for novel pharmaceutical (and other) products from plants and microorganisms.
BIOPROSPECTING n. the exploitation of traditional medicines.
EXPROPRIATIONSexpropriations n. Plural of expropriation.
EXPROPRIATION n. the act of expropriating.
OPPIGNERATIONSOPPIGNERATION n. the act or an instance of pawning or pledging, also OPPIGNORATION.
PHILOSOPHISERSphilosophisers n. Plural of philosophiser.
PHILOSOPHISER n. one who philosophises, also PHILOSOPHIZER.
PHILOSOPHIZERSphilosophizers n. Plural of philosophizer.
PHILOSOPHIZER n. one who philosophises, also PHILOSOPHISER.
PHOTOPERIODISMphotoperiodism n. (Biology) The growth, development and other responses of plants and animals according to the length…
PHOTOPERIODISM n. a plant or animal's response or capacity to respond to photoperiod.
PREDISPOSITIONpredisposition n. The state of being predisposed or susceptible to something, especially to a behavior or a health condition.
PREDISPOSITION n. an inclination.
PRESUPPOSITIONpresupposition n. An assumption made beforehand; a preliminary conjecture or speculation.
presupposition n. The act of presupposing.
presupposition n. (Linguistics) An assumption or belief implicit in an utterance or other use of language.
PROGENITORSHIPprogenitorship n. The state of being a progenitor.
PROGENITORSHIP n. the state of being a progenitor.
PROPITIOUSNESSpropitiousness n. The favorable quality of strongly indicating a successful result.
PROPITIOUSNESS n. the state of being propitious.
PROPRIETORSHIPproprietorship n. The state of being a proprietor; ownership.
PROPRIETORSHIP n. the office of proprietor.
PROPRIOCEPTIONproprioception n. The sense of the position of parts of the body, relative to other neighbouring parts of the body.
PROPRIOCEPTION n. the sense of muscular position.
PROPRIOCEPTIVEproprioceptive adj. Of or pertaining to proprioception.
PROPRIOCEPTIVE adj. relating to proprioception.
PYCNIDIOSPORESpycnidiospores n. Plural of pycnidiospore.
PYCNIDIOSPORE n. a conidium produced in a pycnidium, also PYCNOSPORE.
REAPPORTIONINGreapportioning v. Present participle of reapportion.
REAPPORTION v. to apportion (as a house of representatives) anew.
SUPERPOSITIONSsuperpositions n. Plural of superposition.
SUPERPOSITION n. the act of superposing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 131 words
  • Scrabble in French: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 79 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 92 words

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