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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing E, I, L, N, 2O, U and Y

CEREMONIOUSLYceremoniously adv. In a ceremonious manner.
CEREMONIOUS adv. devoted to forms and ceremony.
COMPENDIOUSLYcompendiously adv. In a compendious manner.
COMPENDIOUS adv. concise but comprehensive.
CONTENTIOUSLYcontentiously adv. In a contentious manner.
CONTENTIOUS adv. likely to cause contention.
COTERMINOUSLYcoterminously adv. In a coterminous manner; ending together.
COTERMINOUS adv. having the same or coincident boundaries, also CONTERMINAL, CONTERMINANT, CONTERMINATE, CONTERMINOUS.
DEVOLUTIONARYdevolutionary adj. Of, pertaining to, advocating or permitting devolution.
DEVOLUTIONARY adj. relating to devolution.
EUDICOTYLEDONeudicotyledon n. (Botany) Alternative form of eudicot.
EUDICOTYLEDON n. an angiosperm having two cotyledons in the seed.
INOPPORTUNELYinopportunely adv. In an inopportune manner.
INOPPORTUNE adv. inconvenient, unseasonable.
INTERLOCUTORYinterlocutory adj. Of or pertaining to dialogue or conversation.
interlocutory adj. Interjected into something spoken.
interlocutory adj. (Law) Expressed during a legal action that awaits final decision.
PHYLLOQUINONEphylloquinone n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) Synonym of phytomenadione.
PHYLLOQUINONE n. vitamin K1, one of the fat-soluble vitamin K group, essential for normal blood coagulation.
REVOLUTIONARYrevolutionary adj. Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution.
revolutionary adj. Pertaining to something that portends of great change; overthrowing a standing mindset.
revolutionary adj. (Sciences) pertaining to something that revolves.
SOMNIFEROUSLYsomniferously adv. In a somniferous way.
SOMNIFEROUS adv. causing sleep.
UNEMOTIONALLYunemotionally adv. In an unemotional manner.
UNEMOTIONAL adv. not emotional.
UNMELODIOUSLYunmelodiously adv. In an unmelodious manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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