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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing E, 2I, 2M, S and 2T

ANTISYMMETRICantisymmetric adj. (Set theory, order theory, of a binary relation R on a set S) Having the property that, for any two…
antisymmetric adj. (Linear algebra, of certain mathematical objects) Whose sign changes on the application of a matrix…
ANTISYMMETRIC adj. relating to or being a relation (as is a subset of) that implies equality of any two quantities for which it holds in both directions.
COMMITTEESHIPcommitteeship n. The position or office of being on a committee.
COMMITTEESHIP n. the office of committee.
EPIGRAMMATISTepigrammatist n. Someone who writes an epigram (any meanings).
EPIGRAMMATIST n. one who makes epigrams.
IMMANENTISTICimmanentistic adj. Of or relating to immanentism.
IMMANENTISTIC adj. relating to immanentism.
IMMATERIALISTimmaterialist n. A supporter of the philosophy of immaterialism.
IMMATERIALIST n. an exponent of immaterialism.
IMMORTALITIESimmortalities n. Plural of immortality.
IMMORTALITY n. the state of being immortal.
LEMMATISATIONlemmatisation n. (Computing, lexicography) The process of finding the lemma that corresponds to an inflected form of a word.
LEMMATISATION n. the process of lemmatising, also LEMMATIZATION.
MATHEMATICISEmathematicise v. Alternative spelling of mathematicize.
MATHEMATICISMmathematicism n. An approach or worldview that is rooted in mathematics.
MATHEMATICISM n. the belief that everything can be described or explained ultimately in mathematical terms.
MATHEMATISINGmathematising v. Present participle of mathematise.
METEMPIRICISTmetempiricist n. One who studies metempiricism.
METEMPIRICIST n. one who studies metempirics.
MISESTIMATINGmisestimating v. Present participle of misestimate.
MISESTIMATE v. to estimate wrongly.
MISESTIMATIONmisestimation n. Inaccurate estimation.
MISESTIMATION n. a wrong estimation.
MONOTHELITISMMonothelitism n. The doctrines of the Monothelites.
MONOTHELITISM n. the doctrine that Christ had only one will, also MONOTHELISM.
SEMIAUTOMATICsemiautomatic adj. Alternative spelling of semi-automatic.
semiautomatic n. Alternative spelling of semi-automatic.
semi-automatic adj. Partially automatic.
TRIMETHOPRIMStrimethoprims n. Plural of trimethoprim.
TRIMETHOPRIM n. a synthetic antibacterial and antimalarial drug used alone or in combination with sulfamethoxazole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 81 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 42 words

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