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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing E, 2I, L, M, R, S and Y

BISYMMETRICALbisymmetrical adj. Alternative form of bisymmetric.
BISYMMETRICAL adj. showing symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other, also BISYMMETRIC.
EPIDERMOLYSISepidermolysis n. (Pathology) A connective tissue disease.
EPIDERMOLYSIS n. a state of detachment or loosening of the epidermis.
HYPERLIPEMIAShyperlipemias n. Plural of hyperlipemia.
HYPERLIPEMIA n. an abnormally high level of fat in the blood, also HYPERLIPIDAEMIA, HYPERLIPIDEMIA.
IMPERMISSIBLYimpermissibly adv. (Chiefly law) In a way or to an extent that is not permissible.
IMPERMISSIBLE adv. not permissible.
IMPERSONALITYimpersonality n. The state or quality of being impersonal.
IMPERSONALITY n. the state of being impersonal.
ISOMETRICALLYisometrically adv. In an isometric manner.
ISOMETRICAL adv. having equality of measure, also ISOMETRIC.
MAGISTERIALLYmagisterially adv. In a magisterial manner; authoritatively.
MAGISTERIAL adv. in the manner of a teacher or magistrate.
MEASURABILITYmeasurability n. Susceptibility to measurement.
MEASURABILITY n. the state of being measurable.
MENSURABILITYmensurability n. The quality of being mensurable.
MENSURABILITY n. the state of being mensurable.
MERITORIOUSLYmeritoriously adv. In a meritorious manner.
MERITORIOUS adv. deserving of honor or esteem.
MINISTERIALLYministerially adv. In the character or capacity of a minister.
MINISTERIAL adv. of, relating to, or characteristic of a minister or the ministry.
MYELOFIBROSISmyelofibrosis n. Collagen deposition by fibroblasts in the bone marrow, whether primary or secondary to other causes…
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
REMINISCENTLYreminiscently adv. In a reminiscent manner.
REMINISCENT adv. of the character of or relating to reminiscence.
REMISSIBILITYremissibility n. The quality or state of being remissible.
REMISSIBILITY n. the state of being remissible, capable of being remitted or forgiven.
SEDIMENTARILYsedimentarily adv. As, or in terms of, sediment.
SEDIMENTARY adv. relating to or composed of sediment.
SEMICYLINDERSsemicylinders n. Plural of semicylinder.
SEMICYLINDER n. a longitudinal half-cylinder.
SYRINGOMYELIAsyringomyelia n. (Medicine) A disorder in which a cyst or cavity forms within the spinal cord, possibly leading to stiffness…
SYRINGOMYELIA n. a chronic progressive disease of the spinal cord associated with sensory disturbances, muscle atrophy, and spasticity.
SYRINGOMYELICsyringomyelic adj. Relating to syringomyelia.
SYRINGOMYELIC adj. relating to syringomyelia.
TEMPORISINGLYtemporisingly adv. Alternative form of temporizingly.
VERISIMILARLYverisimilarly adv. In a verisimilar way; suggesting truthfulness.
VERISIMILAR adv. seeming real or true.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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