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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, I, L, 2S, T, U and V

ASSAULTIVELYassaultively adv. In an assaultive manner.
ASSAULTIVE adv. relating to assault.
ASSUMPTIVELYassumptively adv. In an assumptive manner.
ASSUMPTIVE adv. assumed, or capable of being assumed.
EVENTUALISESeventualises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eventualise.
EVENTUALISE v. to happen, come into being, also EVENTUALIZE.
EXCLUSIVISTSexclusivists n. Plural of exclusivist.
EXCLUSIVIST n. a believer in exclusivism.
LENTIVIRUSESlentiviruses n. Plural of lentivirus.
LENTIVIRUS n. any of a group of retroviruses producing illnesses characterized by a delay in the onset of symptoms after infection.
MISEVALUATESmisevaluates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misevaluate.
MISEVALUATE v. to evaluate wrongly.
OVERUTILISESOVERUTILISE v. to utilise excessively, also OVERUTILIZE.
RESULTATIVESresultatives n. Plural of resultative.
RESULTATIVE n. (in grammar) a phrase which describes the state of a noun by completing the verb phrase.
STIMULATIVESstimulatives n. Plural of stimulative.
STIMULATIVE n. a stimulative substance.
SUBINTERVALSsubintervals n. Plural of subinterval.
SUBINTERVAL n. an interval that is a subdivision or a subset of an interval.
SUGGESTIVELYsuggestively adv. In a suggestive manner.
SUGGESTIVE adv. giving a suggestion.
SUPERLATIVESsuperlatives n. Plural of superlative.
SUPERLATIVE n. the superlative degree of comparison in a language.
SURVEILLANTSsurveillants n. Plural of surveillant.
SURVEILLANT n. one that exercises surveillance.
ULTRAVIRUSESultraviruses n. Plural of ultravirus.
ULTRAVIRUS n. a virus small enough to pass through the finest filter.
UNIVERSALISTuniversalist adj. Universal in scope.
universalist adj. (Religion, US, paganism, Germanic paganism) Following a form of neopaganism, especially Germanic neopaganism…
universalist n. A proponent of universalism.
VALVULITISESVALVULITIS n. inflammation of a valve, esp. a cardiac valve.
VASCULITIDESvasculitides n. Plural of vasculitis.
VASCULITIS n. inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel.
VASCULITISESvasculitises n. Plural of vasculitis.
VASCULITIS n. inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel.
VESTIBULITISvestibulitis n. (Medicine) Inflammation of a vestibule, especially localized vulvodynia in the vestibular region (the…
VESTIBULITIS n. inflammation of the labyrinth and cochlea of the inner ear, causing vertigo, ataxia and deafness.
VULCANISATESvulcanisates n. Plural of vulcanisate.
VULCANISATE n. a vulcanized product, also VULCANIZATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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