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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, I, L, O, 2R, S and V

ADVERTORIALSadvertorials n. Plural of advertorial.
ADVERTORIAL n. an advertisement presented as if it were editorial material.
CORRELATIVEScorrelatives n. Plural of correlative.
CORRELATIVE n. a person or thing correspondingly related to another person or thing.
CORRIVALRIEScorrivalries n. Plural of corrivalry.
CORRIVALRY n. the state of being a corrival.
DORSIVENTRALdorsiventral adj. Alternative form of dorsoventral.
DORSIVENTRAL adj. having differentiated opposite faces or surfaces.
IRRESOLVABLEirresolvable adj. Impossible to resolve; insoluble.
irresolvable adj. Impossible to separate into its component parts.
IRRESOLVABLE adj. incapable of being resolved.
IRRESOLVABLYirresolvably adv. In an irresolvable manner.
IRRESOLVABLE adv. incapable of being resolved.
LIVERMORIUMSLIVERMORIUM n. a transuranic element produced by bombarding curium with calcium-20 ions.
OVERFLOURISHoverflourish v. (Obsolete) To make excessive display or flourish of.
overflourish v. (Obsolete) To embellish with outward ornaments or flourishes; to varnish over.
OVERFLOURISH v. to cover with blossom, or with flourishes or ornament.
OVERLORDSHIPoverlordship n. The position or quality of being an overlord.
overlordship n. The realm of overlords.
OVERLORDSHIP n. the position of overlord.
PROTRUSIVELYprotrusively adv. In a protrusive manner.
PROTRUSIVE adv. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
RETROPULSIVEretropulsive adj. Driving back; repelling.
retropulsive adj. Exhibiting or relating to retropulsion.
RETROPULSIVE adj. showing retropulsion.
REVALORISINGrevalorising v. Present participle of revalorise.
REVALORISE v. to give a new value to; to restore value of currency, also REVALORIZE.
REVULSIONARYREVULSIONARY adj. of or like revolution.
SILVERSWORDSsilverswords n. Plural of silversword.
VERSICOLOREDversicolored adj. Alternative spelling of versicoloured.
VERSICOLORED adj. of variable or various colours, also VERSICOLOR, VERSICOLOUR, VERSICOLOURED.
VIRULIFEROUSviruliferous adj. (Biology, agriculture) Virus-carrying, especially of insects which infest agricultural crops.
VIRULIFEROUS adj. containing, producing, or conveying an agent of infection and esp. a virus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 87 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 172 words

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