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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, I, L, N, O, P and 2R

INCORPORABLEincorporable adj. Able to be incorporated.
INCORPORABLE adj. capable of being incorporated.
INTERPOLATERinterpolater n. Alternative form of interpolator.
INTERPOLATER n. one who interpolates, also INTERPOLATOR.
INTERPOLATORinterpolator n. One who, or that which, interpolates.
INTERPOLATOR n. one who interpolates, also INTERPOLATER.
PERICHONDRALperichondral adj. Surrounding cartilage.
PERICHONDRAL adj. of or like a perichondrium.
PERORATIONALperorational adj. Relating to peroration.
PERORATIONAL adj. of or like a peroration.
PRECENTORIALprecentorial adj. Of or relating to a precentor.
PRECENTORIAL adj. of or like a precentor.
PRECONCILIARpreconciliar adj. In or of the period before an ecclesiastical council, especially the Second Vatican Council.
pre-conciliar adj. Alternative form of preconciliar.
pre-Conciliar adj. Alternative form of preconciliar.
PREFLORATIONprefloration n. (Botany) The arrangement (vernation) of floral parts in a bud.
PREFLORATION n. the manner in which the petals and sepals are folded in the flower-bud.
PROCELLARIANprocellarian n. (Zoology) Any of a family of oceanic birds (Procellaridae) including the petrels, fulmars, and shearwaters.
PROCELLARIAN n. a bird species from the genus Procellaria, petrels.
PROLETARIANSproletarians n. Plural of proletarian.
PROLETARIAN n. a member of the proletariat, also PROLETARY.
PYRROLIDINESpyrrolidines n. Plural of pyrrolidine.
PYRROLIDINE n. a colourless strongly alkaline heterocyclic base both occurring naturally and produced from pyrrole.
REPOLARISINGrepolarising v. Present participle of repolarise.
REPOLARISE v. to polarise again, also REPOLARIZE.
REPOLARIZINGrepolarizing v. Present participle of repolarize.
REPOLARIZE v. to polarize again, also REPOLARISE.
RESPONSORIALresponsorial n. A book of liturgical responses.
responsorial adj. Of or pertaining to a response (in all senses).
responsorial adj. Responsive.
RETROPULSIONretropulsion n. (Medicine) A tendency to step or walk backwards involuntarily, especially as a symptom of parkinsonism.
retropulsion n. (Medicine) The pushing or forcing of something to move backwards or inwards.
retropulsion n. (Medicine, obsolete) Transfer of a disease from an external source to an internal organ.
SUPERORDINALsuperordinal adj. (Taxonomy) supraordinal.
SUPERORDINAL adj. relating to a superorder.
TRAMPOLINERStrampoliners n. Plural of trampoliner.
TRAMPOLINER n. one who uses a trampoline, also TRAMPOLINIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 330 words

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