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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, I, L, 2N, S, T and Y

ANTICYCLONESanticyclones n. Plural of anticyclone.
ANTICYCLONE n. a system of winds that rotates clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern.
ASTRINGENTLYastringently adv. In the manner of an astringent.
ASTRINGENT adv. contracting, drawing together.
CHASTENINGLYchasteningly adv. In a chastening manner.
CHASTENING adv. CHASTEN, to chastise.
CONSENTINGLYconsentingly adv. In a consenting manner, showing consent.
CONSENTING adv. CONSENT, to give approval.
CONSISTENTLYconsistently adv. (Manner) In a consistent manner.
consistently adv. (Frequency) constantly; always.
CONSISTENT adv. marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity.
CONTESTINGLYcontestingly adv. In a contesting or contending manner.
CONTESTING adv. CONTEST, to compete for.
DISSENTINGLYdissentingly adv. With dissent or disagreement.
DISSENTING adv. DISSENT, to disagree.
ENANTIOSTYLYenantiostyly n. (Botany) The condition in which the gynoecium protrudes laterally, either to the right or to the left…
ENANTIOSTYLY n. a dimorphous condition in which the style projects at one side or the other in different flowers.
GLISTENINGLYglisteningly adv. In a glistening manner.
GLISTENING adv. GLISTEN, to sparkle or shine; esp. to shine with a mild and fitful luster.
INSPECTINGLYinspectingly adv. With inspection; looking closely.
INSPECTING adv. INSPECT, to examine closely.
INTESTINALLYintestinally adv. Via the intestines.
INTESTINAL adv. affecting, occurring, or living in the intestine.
NAUSEATINGLYnauseatingly adv. In a nauseating manner; sickeningly.
NAUSEATING adv. NAUSEATE, to affect with nausea.
OMNISCIENTLYomnisciently adv. In an omniscient manner; with omniscience.
OMNISCIENT adv. knowing everything.
PENNYWHISTLEpennywhistle n. (Music) A six-holed flute-like instrument with a fipple. They have approximately a two octave range…
penny␣whistle n. A tin whistle.
PENNYWHISTLE n. a cheap toy whistle originally sold for a penny.
SAUNTERINGLYsaunteringly adv. With a casual, sauntering gait.
SAUNTERING adv. walking in a leisurely manner.
SENTENTIALLYsententially adv. In a sentential way.
SENTENTIAL adv. comprising sentences; as, a sentential translation.
SEPTENNIALLYseptennially adv. Once in every seven years.
SEPTENNIAL adv. lasting or continuing seven years; as, septennial parliaments.
SERPENTINELYserpentinely adv. In a serpentine manner.
SERPENTINE adv. winding.
TRANSILIENCYtransiliency n. Transilience.
TRANSILIENCY n. the state of being transilient, leaping or passing across, also TRANSILIENCE.
UNSETTLINGLYunsettlingly adv. In an unsettling manner.
UNSETTLING adv. disconcerting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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