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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, 2I, N, 2O and 2R

COINHERITORScoinheritors n. Plural of coinheritor.
COINHERITOR n. a joint inheritor.
FERROSILICONferrosilicon n. An alloy of iron and silicon used in steelmaking.
FERROSILICON n. an alloy of iron and silicon, used in making cast iron and steel.
FIREPROOFINGfireproofing v. Present participle of fireproof.
fireproofing n. The process of making something resistant to fire.
fireproofing n. A fire-resistant coating or substance.
GRANODIORITEgranodiorite n. (Petrology) An intrusive igneous rock similar to granite, but containing more plagioclase than potassium feldspar.
GRANODIORITE n. an igneous plutonic rock, less felsic than granite.
INCORPOREITYincorporeity n. The state or characteristic of being incorporeal.
INCORPOREITY n. the state of being incorporeal.
INCORRODIBLEincorrodible adj. Incapable of being corroded or eaten away.
INCORRODIBLE adj. not corrodible, also INCORROSIBLE.
INTROVERSIONintroversion n. A turning inward, particularly…
INTROVERSION n. the act of introverting.
IRRESOLUTIONirresolution n. Lack of resolution; lack of decision or purpose; vacillation.
IRRESOLUTION n. vacillation.
LIRIODENDRONliriodendron n. Any of several large North American trees, of the genus Liriodendron, that have tulip-like flowers;…
Liriodendron prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Magnoliaceae – the two species of tulip tree.
LIRIODENDRON n. the tulip tree.
MORIGERATIONmorigeration n. (Obsolete) obsequiousness; obedience.
MORIGERATION n. deferential behaviour.
ONEIROCRITIConeirocritic n. An interpreter of dreams.
oneirocritic adj. Of or relating to the interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROCRITIC n. one who interprets dreams.
PRIMOGENITORprimogenitor n. An initial ancestor.
PRIMOGENITOR n. the earliest ancestor; an ancestor or a forefather.
PROVISIONERSprovisioners n. Plural of provisioner.
PROVISIONER n. a furnisher of provisions.
REORDINATIONreordination n. A second or subsequent ordination; an act of reordaining.
REORDINATION n. the act of reordinating.
REPROVISIONSreprovisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reprovision.
re-provisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of re-provision.
REPROVISION v. to provision again.
RETRODICTIONretrodiction n. A form of "prediction" that deals with the past rather than the future, sometimes useful in testing…
RETRODICTION n. the utilization of present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs).
RHINOCEROTICrhinocerotic adj. Of or pertaining to rhinoceroses.
RHINOCEROTIC adj. like a rhinoceros.
RISORGIMENTORisorgimento prop.n. (Historical) The political and military movement that led to the unification of Italy in the 19th century.
Risorgimento prop.n. Renewal, revival, renaissance.
RISORGIMENTO n. (Italian) a time of renewal or renaissance; specifically, the 19th century movement for Italian political unity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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