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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, 2I, 2L, S, T and Y

BIMESTRIALLYbimestrially adv. Every two months.
BIMESTRIAL adv. occurring every two months; lasting two months.
BLISTERINGLYblisteringly adv. In a blistering manner.
BLISTERING adv. BLISTER, to cause fluid filled swellings on the skin.
DISLOYALTIESdisloyalties n. Plural of disloyalty.
DISLOYALTY n. lack of loyalty.
EGOISTICALLYegoistically adv. In an egoistic manner.
EGOISTICAL adv. relating to or displaying egoism, also EGOISTIC, EGOTISTIC, EGOTISTICAL.
ENSILABILITYENSILABILITY n. the capacity for being ensiled.
FELICITOUSLYfelicitously adv. In a felicitous manner.
FELICITOUS adv. happy; prosperous.
GLISTENINGLYglisteningly adv. In a glistening manner.
GLISTENING adv. GLISTEN, to sparkle or shine; esp. to shine with a mild and fitful luster.
GLISTERINGLYglisteringly adv. Glisteningly.
GLISTERING adv. GLISTER, (archaic) to be bright; to sparkle.
INTESTINALLYintestinally adv. Via the intestines.
INTESTINAL adv. affecting, occurring, or living in the intestine.
LICENTIOUSLYlicentiously adv. In a licentious manner, rowdily, overwhelmed by passion and without control of appetites (especially…
LICENTIOUS adv. characterized by license; abusive of freedom.
LYSOLECITHINlysolecithin n. (Organic chemistry) Any lysophospholipid derived from lecithin.
LYSOLECITHIN n. a hydrolytic substance formed by the enzymatic hydrolysis (as by some snake venoms) of a lecithin.
MERISTICALLYmeristically adv. In terms of meristics.
MERISTIC adv. pertaining to the number or variation of body parts.
RESOLUBILITYresolubility n. Quality of being resoluble.
RESOLUBILITY n. the state of being resoluble.
SAPIENTIALLYsapientially adv. In a sapiential manner.
SAPIENTIAL adv. providing wisdom.
SEMIOTICALLYsemiotically adv. In a semiotic manner or context.
SEMIOTIC adv. relating to signs or symbols, esp. spoken or written signs, also SEMEIOTIC.
SEPTICIDALLYsepticidally adv. (Botany) In a septicidal manner.
SEPTICIDAL adv. with splitting of septa, as when a fruit dehisces by separation of the carpels.
SIMULATIVELYsimulatively adv. In a simulative manner.
SIMULATIVE adv. relating to simulation.
SPIRITLESSLYspiritlessly adv. In a spiritless manner.
SPIRITLESS adv. lacking animation or courage.
STELLIFYINGSSTELLIFYING n. the act of turning into star.
THEISTICALLYtheistically adv. In a theistic manner.
THEISTICAL adv. of or pertaining to theism, also THEISTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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