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There are 19 words containing E, H, N, P, R, S, T and V

SERVANTSHIPservantship n. The role or status of servant.
SERVANTSHIP n. the state of being a servant.
STEVENGRAPHStevengraph n. A picture woven from silk.
STEVENGRAPH n. a silk picture woven in colours.
HYPERTENSIVEhypertensive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing hypertension.
hypertensive n. A person with hypertension.
hypertensive n. A drug or substance that increases blood pressure.
SERVANTSHIPSSERVANTSHIP n. the state of being a servant.
STEVENGRAPHSStevengraphs n. Plural of Stevengraph.
STEVENGRAPH n. a silk picture woven in colours.
HYPERTENSIVEShypertensives n. Plural of hypertensive.
HYPERTENSIVE n. someone suffering from hypertension.
PHOTOENGRAVESphotoengraves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photoengrave.
PHOTOENGRAVE v. to make a photoengraving of.
PREHARVESTINGSorry, definition not available.
EMPOVERISHMENTEMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of becoming empoverished.
HYPERSENSITIVEhypersensitive adj. Highly or abnormally sensitive to some substances or agents, especially to some allergen.
hypersensitive adj. Excessively sensitive; easily offended.
HYPERSENSITIVE adj. excessively or abnormally sensitive.
IMPOVERISHMENTimpoverishment n. The action of impoverishing someone.
impoverishment n. The state of being impoverished.
IMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of being impoverished.
PHOTOENGRAVERSphotoengravers n. Plural of photoengraver.
PHOTOENGRAVER n. one who does photoengraving.
CONSERVATORSHIPconservatorship n. (Law) The legal status of a conservator, similar to guardianship or trusteeship.
conservatorship n. (Law) The state of being under the control of a conservator.
CONSERVATORSHIP n. the office of conservator.
EMPOVERISHMENTSEMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of becoming empoverished.
HYPERSALIVATIONhypersalivation n. (Medicine) An excessive flow of saliva.
HYPERSALIVATION n. excessive salivation.
HYPERVENTILATEShyperventilates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hyperventilate.
HYPERVENTILATE v. to breathe rapidly and deeply.
IMPOVERISHMENTSimpoverishments n. Plural of impoverishment.
IMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of being impoverished.
PHOTOENGRAVINGSphotoengravings n. Plural of photoengraving.
PHOTOENGRAVING n. any process of engraving by aid of photography, esp. from relief plates.
PROHIBITIVENESSprohibitiveness n. The quality of being prohibitive.
PROHIBITIVENESS n. the state of being prohibitive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 305 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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